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Reading Star Wars Fan Fiction: Rare Pairs! General Hux + Harley Quinn, etc – Millennial Falcon
Jenny invites her best (and only) friend Bailey on the show to find the rarest pairs in Star Wars fan fiction.
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10 Biggest Trolling Moments Caught In Roblox
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How do you deal with trolls while playing Roblox? 10 Biggest Trolling Moments Caught In Roblox! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G
Roblox is more than just a game, it’s an absolute blast to play. There is so much to do in the world of Roblox that you can easily lose track of time. There are thousands of games to play and million of players to possibly meet. The games you could play in Roblox range from shooter games to family games so there’s something for everyone. You never know what you may find scrolling around the many games to choose from. Luckily, Roblox was designed for kids so all ages can get in on the fun.
Massively multiplayer online games like Roblox are full of all kinds of players. Some players just like to have fun and put a smile on everyone’s faces while others want to start as much chaos as possible. We’ve all heard of trolls, you know, those players who just like to be annoying and make your gaming experience a bit worse than it should be. Well, every online game has them and Roblox is no exception. Some trolls are so obvious that they get caught in the act way too early while others have mastered the art of trolling so well they can troll a troll. Some may even befriend you just so they can scam you out a few measly robucks. The point is there are some awesome people in the community, but there are also some master trolls out there so you have to be real careful. That is why we have compiled a list of 10 funny trolling moments caught in Roblox. Enjoy!
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#صاحي : “طريلر” 6 – معقولة؟!
قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة السادسة من برنامج “طريلر” والذي يتحدث عن الأفلام والمسلسلات الأجنبية ومايعرض في دور السينما …تقديم محمد الشهري وإخراج محمد هلال.
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10 Most Dangerous Things Built In Minecraft
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Would you dare build a house of TNT in Minecraft?! 10 Most Dangerous Things Built In Minecraft! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G
Since it was released in 2011, gamers across the world have been enthralled with Minecraft. The vast open world leaves gamers plenty of options when it comes to the type of experience they want to have and players are always looking for new ways to play the game. Some players opt for a creative experience where they can mold the Minecraft world to their specifications. Players in creative mode can differ from simple structures to pretty impressive, lifelike reproductions of real world famous icons like the Taj Mahal or the Golden Gate Bridge.
Other players opt for survival mode where their incarnation of Steve must try to survive in a terrifying landscape filled with MOBs trying to take a player out. Mining for the resources to gain better equipment while not being killed outright by creepers and silverfish is the challenge here in order to build a netherportal to complete the game. Survival mode, while challenging, is extremely fun and getting to the end stages of the game can take a substantial amount of time.
Then there are players that enjoy a combination of both. Not only do they want to survive and create, they want to find the best possible way to cause the most death and destruction that they possibly can. From well guarded houses with lava moats to T.N.T. cannons, these players are pushing the boundaries of Minecraft to make the most dangerous things possible and they’re certainly having fun while doing it which, after all, is the point of any good video game.