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We sat down with Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld, director Tim Miller, and actor Stefan Kapicic to watch the Honest Trailer for Deadpool and give their honest reactions!
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Can you believe these gamers went so fast with such sluggish characters? 10 Speed Runs That Are Actually Possible With Slow Characters!
Playing a video game with a slow character can be frustrating and take away a lot of enjoyment from the game. While many players would give up on the slow-moving mechanics, others turned them into some impressive speed runs. Using tricks, special moves, and shortcuts, some of the slowest characters have created fun speed runs to watch and enjoy.
The Dominos pizza mascot known as the Noid got two different video games and he was slow in everyone. For the NES game Yo! Noid, the mascot trots long at a slow pace, but players can still defeat the game in under 20 minutes. In the classic wrestling game WWF WrestleFest, Earthquake is the biggest and slowest character, but he manages to survive a huge Royal Rumble with some WWE legends. The Simpsons Arcade game is a classic, but many players avoided the use of Marge because of her slow movements. One speed run shows her effectiveness in beating several levels. The original Tomb Raider is a classic, but many players do not realize how slow the character actually moved through areas. In Super Mario Wii, using Toad can be a pain, but one player gets through the whole game in an impressive amount of time. Fallout: New Vegas features a lot of worlds to explore, but they are often done at a slow pace. Using great tactics, a gamer can brisk through the long game. Other slow character speed runs include levels from the LEGO Star Wars series, Team Fortress 2, the original Gears of War, and the rare classic Lester the Unlikely.
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When the 1997 film ‘Face/Off’ starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage was released it was a modern action hit. Trailer realized that this film actually has a lot in common with the classic Westerns of the past.
CREDITS: Edited by Ian Beckman and Dustin McLean
Narrated by Bob Bavnani
Executive Producer: Dustin McLean
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From burning tampons to makeup shotguns, Lizzie & Ellie take you behind the scenes of their wacky, female fronted comedy.
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Behind The Mythicality Credits
Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Managing Producer: Cody D’Ambrosio
Featuring: Mike Criscimagna & Alex Punch
Camera: Casey Nimmer, Karen Du, & Meggie Malloy
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Special Effects/Graphics: Matthew Dwyer
Sound: Morgan Locke
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Ten Feet Tall Credits
Produced by & Starring: Lizzie Bassett & Ellie McElvain
Executive Producers: Rhett & Link, Stevie Wynne Levine
Managing Producer: Cody D’Ambrosio
Producer/Director/Editor: Benjamin Eck
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