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فلوق: سعودي جيمر في ساحة معركة! 🔥

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إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

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هجوله – في شوارع امريـكيا يلد | هـز الحديد حـبك يزيـد !! ههههههه

شكراً على المشاهدة 🙂 إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمني بـ”لايك” و “الاشتراك”

– { مقطعي السابق }
تحدي الي يجيب اي شي في 10 ثواني


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10 Easter Eggs Found In Roblox Games

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Have you seen any of these secret locations or messages? 10 Easter Eggs Found In Roblox Games! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Playing a video game with a slow character can be frustrating and take away a lot of enjoyment from the game. While many players would give up on the slow-moving mechanics, others turned them into some impressive speed runs. Using tricks, special moves, and shortcuts, some of the slowest characters have created fun speed runs to watch and enjoy.

The Dominos pizza mascot known as the Noid got two different video games and he was slow in everyone. For the NES game Yo! Noid, the mascot trots long at a slow pace, but players can still defeat the game in under 20 minutes. In the classic wrestling game WWF WrestleFest, Earthquake is the biggest and slowest character, but he manages to survive a huge Royal Rumble with some WWE legends. The Simpsons Arcade game is a classic, but many players avoided the use of Marge because of her slow movements. One speed run shows her effectiveness in beating several levels. The original Tomb Raider is a classic, but many players do not realize how slow the character actually moved through areas. In Super Mario Wii, using Toad can be a pain, but one player gets through the whole game in an impressive amount of time. Fallout: New Vegas features a lot of worlds to explore, but they are often done at a slow pace. Using great tactics, a gamer can brisk through the long game. Other slow character speed runs include levels from the LEGO Star Wars series, Team Fortress 2, the original Gears of War, and the rare classic Lester the Unlikely.

Roblox games are all built and created by other players. This gives the creator of the game a lot of leeway when it comes to game designs and different options. Along with the basic levels and maps to explore, a number of players have found different hidden Easter eggs in their vast worlds.

For example, in both the classic and new versions of Roblox High School, you can explore the school and find hidden secrets among the halls. These secrets include hidden lunchroom recipes and secret rooms dedicated just to the teachers. The Murder Mystery games are great to play, especially around Christmas. Solving a murder isn’t the only mystery though, as players can find a whole secret room located in the game’s lobby. The game Epic Minigames also has a secret room that can be unlocked through clicking on a series of objects. Greenwood Town is a crazy violent game, but things take a shocking turn for the worse for anyone that heads down in the rivers. Work at a Pizza place is a great simulation game, but there are some hidden secrets among items. Several players have unleashed these secrets and use them to create fun moments in the game. Jailbreak is a fun and challenging game. Once, you get the hang of things, you chose to explore the local area, find secret ways out, and then take your time as a fugitive to discover more Easter egg items. Other Easter eggs can be found in the Elephant Hotel, Trade Hangout, Blox Lobby, and in the Make a Cake game.

ثلاثة مصانع جديدة لآبل! وسماعات تنافس اليكسا شو من فيس بوك وايش سالفة ذا روك في التويتر!

في هذا الفيديو نتكلم عن سماعات جديدة لفيس بوك تنافس الهوم بود من آبل واليكسا شو وايضاً ابل راح تسوي ثلاثة مصانع جديده في امريكا وبرضو وش حكاية ذا روك مع فيصل في التويتر

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What is Justice League’s Stachegate Controversy? (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

Justice League has faced many behind the scenes issues and now another has surfaced… Henry Cavill’s facial hair! Jessica explains the hairy situation on today’s Nerdist News!

Would you want him to keep the stache? Let us know in the comments below!

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#صاحي : “نص الجبهة” 511- القزيرة!

قناة صاحي تقدم الحلقة الحادية عشر من الموسم الخامس من برنامج ” نص الجبهة ” والذي يتناول أبرز الاحداث الإعلامية. البرنامج من تقديم الكاتب خالد الفراج
تمثيل :
وحيد ال صالح
نوف عمر
عبدالرحمن المالكي

حسن العطاس
هادي علي

حسين فواد

وليد يعقوب

خالد الفراج

تحدي اللهجات: اللهجة العراقية ٢ مع ساندرا ساهي | #مستوى_صعب

لا تنس الاشتراك في القناة

اخيرا اللهجة العراقية ٢ مع ساندرا ساهي اخت لؤي ساهي. لكن هالمرة الكلمات شوي صعبة

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اللهجة العراقية الجزء الاول مع لؤي ساهي



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