10 Funny Fails In Video Game Speedruns

What funny Nintendo speed run moment happened in Kirby? 10 Funny Fails In Video Game Speed Runs! subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Most gamers want to take their time while playing through a video game in order to take in everything the developers have to offer. They take pride in finding all of the loot, secret levels, and side missions in order to play the game to completion and unlock all of the achievements. Being able to fully complete a game is a source of pride to most gamers and an impressive feat as numerous hours are dedicated to unlocking every single feature.

On the other hand, there are some gamers that prefer to rush through levels or entire games to see just how fast they can compete a level or game. These speed runs are regularly posted on YouTube and Twitch for other gamers to see and possibly break the records these gamers have set. Speed running appears to be quite the competitive hobby and it has a large following. Gamers who speedrun typically have a plethora of tricks that they exploit in order to complete their speed runs in record time. These range from utilizing glitches or game secrets in order to outrun the competition and set records.

However, in spite of most gamers best intentions, speed runs do not always go as planned. Anything from missing an opportunity to starting out poorly can affect how the speed run will turn out. Fortunately, most speed runs are recorded and this creates some memorable laughs for the people watching. It just goes to show that even with the best intentions, gameplay doesn’t always turn out as planned.

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اعتدنا على رؤية الباعة المُتجولين في الطرقات على أنهم غير مُهتمين كثيرًا بمظهرهم , وكذلك بضاعتهم غير موثوقة بها , لكن الأمر مُختلف عند السيد “أيلتون مانويل دا سيلفا”، الذي يرتدي زي أنيق مثل موظفي المطاعم الفاخرة، وهذا الرجل يتحدى يوميًا الشمس الحارقة وحركة المرور الخانقة من أجل أن يوفر لعائلته لقمة العيش

كراش أصعب مما توقعنا!😵 – Crash Bandicoot

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Don’t Mix These Chemicals!

In this video we dive into what happens when pool chlorine and Dot 3 brake fluid get mixed together, then talk about the science behind why.

Check out NurdRage and his “Dragon’s Breath” tutorial with this concept: https://goo.gl/GRkqWk

Subscribe & “Ring the Bell”: https://goo.gl/618xWm

Chlorine: http://amzn.to/2tNFvdU
Dot 3 Brake Fluid: http://amzn.to/2u9w1sM

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Music by: Niklas Ahlström – “Hotshot 2”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound: https://goo.gl/jlJWJO


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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Grand Theft Auto V modding controversy comes to a head, PlayStation seemingly scams Xbox on YouTube, a Horizon Zero Dawn update, PUBG news, and more stuff happening in games brought to you by Jake.
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The Anthem footage debacle http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-07-03-playstation-youtube-channel-hosts-xbox-one-x-anthem-footage-with-photoshopped-buttons

Horizon Zero Dawn Update https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2017/07/06/horizon-zero-dawn-gets-new-update-today-includes-new-game-ultra-hard-difficulty/

OpenIV GTA modding updatehttp://www.gamesradar.com/gta-5-modding-tool-openiv-returns-after-legal-threats-minus-its-liberty-city-project/

Mario ditches ‘game over’ screens http://www.tssgaming.ca/2017/07/06/super-mario-odyssey-replacing-game-screens/

PUBG http://www.pcgamer.com/playerunknowns-battlegrounds-pushed-back-from-initial-6-month-timeframe/

The motorcycle kill http://i.imgur.com/Yno6Q1m.gif

The self destroying PC – http://www.zdnet.com/article/secure-pc-self-destruct-data-tampered-with/

Doomfist https://youtu.be/-uKkAyLPJe0

Platinum Games Wonderful 101/Bayonetta?


Tekken 7 bowl (August DLC): https://www.gamespot.com/articles/tekken-7s-first-dlc-brings-back-bowling/1100-6451489/

Shadow of Mordor Nemesis import http://www.pcgamer.com/middle-earth-shadow-of-war-will-import-your-worst-shadow-of-mordor-nemesis/

2v2! *FAMILY FEUD* LUCKY BLOCKS! in Minecraft!

SSundee and Madelyn see if they are smarter than Crainer and Thea!!
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Madelyn’s Instagram

Crainer and Thea’s Channel

Kehaan(Set up the server)

Neo’s Channel(Helped make the game!)

Map mad by BlockWorks!

Enjoy the Video? Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/Thanks4Subbing

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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe
Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/Levelup-i

family friendly pg clean

Thanks for watching!

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قناة متع عقلك | لايــت ◄ goo.gl/zgezQ0
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