There are so many things you can do in Minecraft, but when the going gets tough, many people need to find a place to hide. There are many reasons to hide in Minecraft. You could be avoiding monsters. You could be burying deep treasures around your worlds. Or you could be simply playing a game of hide and seek on a Minecraft server. No matter what your reason is, you should know the best ways to hide in Minecraft.
When building homes and rooms, you do not need a door to get to the other side. It’s easy to create a painting that you can run through and hide behind. This can serve as a great hiding spot, especially when you have multiple rooms that you are hiding in. If you really want to trick anyone seeking you, then you can place yourself in the center of a TNT trap. If the TNT traps are far enough away, then anyone that goes after you will get blown up why you remain unharmed. It’s easy to get spotted while traveling on land in Minecraft, but one of the best parts of the game is the ability to build and travel underground. A well hidden hole can keep you hidden from anyone that is after you. If you prefer to stay on land, then you have the option of changing your skin to match one of the many brick styles within the game. Having the ability to crouch down and balance on edges will allow you to stay hidden in tight situations, on large cliffs, or deep inside caves.