10 Minecraft Challenges That You Need To Try Once In Your Life

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What fun Minecraft challenges did we find for you to try! 10 Minecraft Challenges That You Need To Try Once In Your Life! subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Minecraft has become one of the most successful video games of all time since its release in November 2011. Minecraft is a sandbox style video game that has grown tremendously through the years. Pretty much everyone has heard of Minecraft at one point or another. The game is still going strong today expanding to multiple platforms including PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android. The game has sold around 125 million copies worldwide with an ever-expanding community.
While Minecraft is a very enjoyable game with so much to do, it can get boring after you put hundreds of hours into the game. Once you build a created your dream home in an immensely large city and defeated every difficult mob the game has to offer, there is not much left to do. Luckily, the Minecraft community feels the exact same way and have come up with challenges to spice up their now stale experience. Some of the challenges the community comes up with are very simple, such as taking away a useful function in the game, yet still create a significant challenge. Other challenges are much more complicated and even the best Minecraft players may struggle to complete them.
The involvement of the Minecraft community is vital to the existence of these challenges. All these challenges do is show off how versatile a game like Minecraft can be if it is in the right hands. Without further ado, here are 10 Minecraft challenges that you need to try at least once in your life.

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0:09:30 ROUND 1 Dan Advantage Round: Best Hitchcock Movie
0:28:26 ROUND 2 Mike Advantage Round: Pitch a Botanicus Solo Movie
0:46:21 ROUND 3 Best Movie Trilogy?
1:01:48 ROUND 4 Pitch a movie based on a commercial?
1:16:21 ROUND 5 Best Spielberg Movie – aka: E.T. vs JAWS

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Don’t FALL in the WEBS! *Spider-man* Lucky Blocks! Minecraft DEATH RUN!

SSundee and Madelyn try to run faster and better than Crainer and Thea!!
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Madelyn’s Instagram

Crainer and Thea’s Channel

Kehaan(Set up the server)

Neo’s Channel(Helped make the game!)

Map mad by BlockWorks!

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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
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Thanks for watching!


Before ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7, here’s a current look at the Facebook feeds of your favorite characters
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Night King, Tyrion, The Hound

Brizzy – http://www.youtube.com/brizzyvoices
Sansa, Daenerys, Facebook

Shayne Topp – http://www.youtube.com/smosh
Kovarro, Littlefinger, Lord Varys, Podrick, Theon

Brock Baker – http://www.youtube.com/mcgoiter
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Lucy Cudden – http://www.twitter.com/lucycudden

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Jon Snow

Amanda Philipson – http://www.twitter.com/PhilipsonAmanda
Gilly, Arya

Ryan Tellez – http://instagr.am/tellezryan
Jaime, Bran

Odom – http://instagr.am/mr.spodom
The Mountain

Written by Michael Gabriel, Michael Adams Davis, and Michael Schroeder

Edited by Chance Cole

– The Warp Zone –
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