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I Have To GO TO the SCARY MINES!! in Minecraft: STARDEW VALLEY!

SSundee goes into the scary mines all alone…
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Splatoon 2 Single-Player Discussion – NVC Ep. 364 Teaser

The NVC crew talks about the Splatoon 2 single player mode.

Watch the full episode here!

Catch up on the NVC vlog here!

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Jenny’s D23 Recap! (Incredibles 2, Star Wars Land & More!)

Jenny recaps her visit to D23 with Mike Carlson and discusses Infinity War, Star Wars, Incredibles 2, Planes 3, Coco, Mary Poppins, Dumbo, a Wrinkle in Time and finds the most obscure cosplay she can.

This is the first episode of Millennial Falcon to debut here on the Main Channel! We’ll be uploading new episodes every Sunday! Upcoming episodes include: Max Landis pitching Star Wars Movies, Jenny interviewing cosplay girls at Comic Con, and Mike Carlson comes back to tour Disneyland with Jenny sharing super fan Disney tips! So stay tuned!

You can watch previous episodes of Millennial Falcon episodes here:

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Mike Carlson ► http://www.twitter.com/phatcarlson

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Is Rocky The Longest-Running Cinematic Universe? – Up At Noon Live!

Before the Star Wars Saga, Marvel Cinematic Universe, or DC Extended Universe, there was Rocky.

Watch the full episode here!

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How Daenerys Arriving in Westeros Changes Game of Thrones

The cast of Game of Thrones talks about how Daenerys’ big continent jump will affect the show in Season 7.

Game of Thrones Cast Take Ultimate Dead Characters Quiz

Game of Thrones’ Brienne and Jaime Interview Each Other:

Game of Thrones Recap in 5 Minutes:

Game of Thrones: Season 7 Trailer Confirms MAJOR Events:

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10 Video Game Cheats Every Gamer Needs

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What Mario cheat do you need!? 10 Video Game Cheats Every Gamer Needs! subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Cheating is not acceptable in many areas of life, but in the video game world, as long as you’re not playing e-sports, most people don’t have a problem with cheating. There’s nothing like an awesome cheat code. The ability to cheat past a boss or level that is giving up too much trouble may be the easy way out, but it may be the only way out for some gamers. Before the Internet, the cheat code was a much-coveted thing. Discovering a cheat code back in the day was similar to an archaeologist discovering a fossil. With the onset of both the web and more sophisticated game development, the novelty of the cheat code has worn off substantially. It usually begins with some hacker sneaking into the game’s console to manipulate a line of code and find a cheat. Besides, cheating has become increasingly more marginalized thanks to the constantly expanding gaming community. Seriously when was the last time anyone used something besides the internet to find out a cheat code? Nevertheless, the 10 cheat codes have withstood the test of time and have remained relevant even in 2017. These cheats have greatly increased the enjoyment these games bring to our lives and have built reputations in the process. Whether it’s making a strenuously difficult game easier and more tolerable, adding an unexpected surreal element or being outright silly, here are 10 video game cheats every gamer needs. Enjoy!