Looks like I picked a perfect scent for spring, let’s see if it delivers!
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The Video is a Tech Pills Production , for info & ADs contact info@tpprod.com
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Ralph Lauren Romance for Men Review
In this fragrance review I discuss the discontinued gem Ralph Lauren Romance for Men. This was one of my favorite fragrances back in the mid 2000’s. If you can still find Romance for Men, you should buy it, its a good one.
Please subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already:
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Thanks for stopping by my channel, a new video is posted every Monday. I also shoot a stream every Sunday evening 5:30 pm PST, make sure to be a part of that and interact with me live! Enjoy my channel!
BEST Heal Decks in Clash Royale (3 12-Win GC Decks) 3 Musketeer :: LavaLoon
Clash Royale Pro Tips series continues on CWA! Today we’ll share three decks that have proven to win Grand Challenges early on after the card’s release. Deck lists below! Enjoy and best of luck!
Deck Lists –
Trainer Nick –
Elixir Pump, Skeleton, Arrows, Heal, Battle Ram, Knight, Three Musketeers, Goblin Gang
Corn –
Elixir Pump, The Log, Minions, Heal, Ice Spirit, Three Musketeers, Zap, Giant Skeleton
Corn 2 –
Elixir Pump, The Log, Minions, Heal, Ice Golem, Giant Skeleton, 3 Musketeers, Giant
LavaLoon Heal –
Elixir Pump, Fireball, Heal, Minions, Balloon, Lava Hound, Mega Minion, Goblin Gang
Trainer Nick Twitter – @Trainer_Nick_EG
Corn Twitter – @_CornCR_
Lil B Basedgod – @GoatLilbclash
#1 Player Matte Shares his Deck! A NEW CHAMP!
3 Musketeer Hog Power Cycle deck w/ Bag –
3 Musketeer Battle Ram Deck Review w/ Yui –
I’m Proud to be a community partner with Bren Chong!
Instagram – bernardluchong
Twitter – @Brenchong
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Twitter – @Clash_With_Ash
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Background music – Ampyx – Holo
My NEW CHAIR is from www.esportschairs.com
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The Harvard “Computers” and the Classification of Stars
Over a century ago at the Harvard Observatory, a group of women were hired to make precise astronomy measurements on a collection of half a million glass plates. Their results form the backbone of our understanding of stars, and lead to important insights on such topics as the structure of the Milky Way and the nature and origin of the universe. The group became known as the Harvard Computers, and they helped shape our modern concept of the universe. However, unlike Hubble and Einstein, their names are largely lost to history. In this presentation, Dr. Bovill will help bring the work of Mina Fleming, Antonia Maury, Henrietta Leavitt, Annie Jump Cannon and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin out of the shadows.
Speaker: Mia Bovill, Space Telescope Science Institute
Host: Dr. Frank Summers
Recorded live on May 2, 2017 from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA.
MORE INFO: http://hubblesite.org/about_us/public_talks/
News from the Universe (Frank Summers)
The Harvard “Computers” and the Classification of Stars (Mia Bovill)
Day 2 Samplin’ Samples: Poivre Electrique by Atelier (2016)
Excellent black pepper, cedar, incense based scent.
Prey (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is the latest sci-fi action adventure FPS taking ques from games like System Shock. Pull up a chair and learn more.
★Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/user/gameranxTV
SSundee trys to fix his mistake, this won’t go well…
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Watch more Troll Craft – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfgLwbzrI1I
Crainers’s Channel
CaptainSparklez Channel
X33N(Set up the server)
Kehaan(Set up the server)
Tweets by KehaanDK
Map mad by BlockWorks!
Enjoy the Video? Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/Thanks4Subbing
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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe
Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/Levelup-i
أثمن 8 كنوز دفينة تم كشف سرها بعد مئات السنين
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قناة متع عقلك | لايــت ◄ goo.gl/zgezQ0
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