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للاعلان : ( abdul111x@gmail.com )
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لتواصل : ( abdul111x@gmail.com )
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Samsung DeX Review: A Taste Of The Future

Samsung DeX promises a lot. With nothing more than the DeX dock and a monitor, keyboard and mouse, you’re supposed to be able to “leave your computer behind” and “make anyplace a workplace” … by converting your smartphone into a desktop computer. And you know what? It works pretty well. If Microsoft’s competing Continuum product weren’t already effectively dead, DeX would stand a pretty good chance of killing it. Plus, it’s not that hard to imagine a laptop-less future where everyone just plugs their phone in to a dumb terminal when they need a computer. But that future is still far off … and DeX doesn’t deliver quite enough to get us there all on its own. Learn the full story in MrMobile’s Samsung DeX review!... Read More | Share it now!