OBAMACARE PULLED: Obamacare Replacement Bill Vote On Donald Trump Health Care Act Voting Debates

LIVE STREAM: House Debates Obamacare Replacement Bill Vote Trumpcare American Health Care Act Voting affordable care act

House debates Obamacare-replacement bill Obamacare Vote Yes Trumpcare Healthcare Act House debates over Obama Care Repeal and Replace TODAY’S BIG STORY: President Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan have been in a last-minute frenzy to pass their health care bill. Here’s the latest. Live updates: Health care bill drama and Trump Speaker Ryan will hold a news conference soon

President Trump Meets with Charter Communications CEO Thomas Rutledge and Texas Governor Greg Abbott
President Donald Trump Holds a National Economic Council Meeting 3/24/17 LIVE TRUMP Keystone XL

NEXT: President Trump Meets with Charter Communications CEO Thomas Rutledge and Texas Governor Greg Abbott The White House
Start time 11:00 AM EDT
President Trump’s official schedule starts with a National Economic Council Meeting likely kicking off the next of Trump’s agenda items – the economy.
The president will then meet with Charter Communications CEO Tom Rutledge and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
Lunch will be with Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin.
The rest of the president’s day will be celebratory as he hosts a Greek Independence Day celebration.
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, 3/24/17
10:15 AM Hold a National Economic Council meeting – Oval Office
11:00 AM Meet with Charter Communications CEO Thomas Rutledge and Texas Governor Greg Abbott – Oval Office

The House of Representatives is planning to vote on the American Health Care Act — the Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare — today. A specific time for the vote has not yet been announced, but if in fact it does happen, it’s expected to take place sometime in the late afternoon Eastern time.

President Donald Trump is endorsing the Republican proposal on health care as “a great plan,” ahead of a make-or-break vote in the House.

The president tweeted Friday that “After seven horrible years of ObamaCare (skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare), this is finally your chance for a great plan!”
The vote had been scheduled for late Thursday but was postponed after administration officials failed to convince skeptical conservative Republicans to support the bill.
Trump claimed he was finished negotiating with GOP holdouts and determined to pursue the rest of his agenda, win or lose.
Barring any further delays, the vote is expected to take place later Friday.

Supreme Court nominee unscathed facing last day of hearings


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Judge Neil Gorsuch faces day three

So far, the hearings have been relatively predictable. While Democrats still bristle at Republicans’ success in completely stalling President Obama’s attempts to fill the Court’s open seat, Gorsuch has refused to comment on the matter. He also refused to comment on whether he’d rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses, a question posed by one senator’s son.

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فقدان الحرارة من الرأس
أجزاء مختلفة في اللسان تتذوق أشياء مختلفة
الحلاقة تجعل الشعر ينمو أكثر كثافة وقتامة
الزجاج من السوائل
أجزاء مختلفة من الدماغ تؤدي وظائف مختلفة
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الهواتف المحمولة تسبب السرطان
حواس الإنسان خمسة حواس
انقسام الدماغ
الكوكاكولا تحلل الجثث
زهرة البوينسيتيا تحتوي سما مميتا
الجاذبية تنعدم في الفضاء
نابليون كان قصير القامة
فشل أينشتاين في الرياضيات
الإيدز أتى للبشر من خلال الاتصال الجنسي مع القرود
هناك حشرات في مشروب فرابتشينو الفراولة

رجعت ؟

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كانت عندي ظروف و الحمد لله عدت و رجعتلكم
و بإذن الله من الان و رايح راح تكون فيه مقاطع رهيبة بالقناة و شكرا لكم على دعمكم و تفهمكم *بوسة*

لا تنسونا من دعمكم باللايك يا رهيبين :”)

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