Minecraft: SCARY CLOWN CHALLENGE GAMES – Lucky Block Mod – Modded Mini-Game

The Challenge Games begin and we must destroy a scary clown!
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10 ممثلين حصدوا الأوسكار عن أدوار لشخصيات حقيقية

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عندما يأتي الأمر إلى إعطاء الجوائز للأفضل كل سنة فإن أكاديمية الاوسكار تفضل ترشيح الممثلين الذين يقومون بأدوار أُناسٍ حقيقيين
فلنلقى نظرة على بعض الممثلين والممثلات الذين فازوا بجوائز الأوسكار عن تأدية أدوار شخصيات شهيرة وحقيقية... Read More | Share it now!

Aftermath of a Chimpanzee Murder Caught in Rare Video | National Geographic

It was a grisly sight: a murdered chimpanzee, his body beaten, bloodied—and partially cannibalized—by the community he used to lead. Rare video captures the deadly end to a tale of chimpanzee social politics. Researchers had been observing a group of chimpanzees in Senegal since 2005. They identified one chimp, Foudouko, as the alpha leader. Two years later he fell from power, overthrown by a group of younger males. He lived on the outskirts of the group for years before attempting to return in mid-2013. He was killed by his former followers, a rare instance in which a chimp was killed within its own community.
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