ヅIn this episode of Resident Evil 7, this girl pops up and im not too happy about itヅ
ALL EPISODES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HduaXmGiRTQ&list=PLYH8WvNV1YEmubg9S6RcHhtETpI9swqF5
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Gnarly in Pink: These Skateboarding Girls Shred With the Boys | Short Film Showcase
Of over 12 million skateboarders in the United States, it’s estimated that less than a quarter are female. This fact doesn’t faze the members of the Pink Helmet Posse, a trio of six-year-old girls who have as much fun shredding on their skateboards as they do dressing up in tutus. In this short film from Kristelle Laroche and Ben Mullinkosson, we meet the gnarly girls in pink proving that skateboarding isn’t just for the boys.
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➡ Get More Short Film Showcase: http://bit.ly/ShortFilmShowcase
About Short Film Showcase:
The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic’s belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of National Geographic Partners.
See more from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase at http://documentary.com
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About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
Visit the film’s website at http://gnarlyinpink.com, and follow on Vimeo.
Follow Ben Mullinkosson
Follow Kristelle Laroche
Gnarly in Pink: These Skateboarding Girls Shred With the Boys | Short Film Showcase
National Geographic
The Genderbread Person | Gender Revolution
Katie Couric talks to Sam Killermann about the many forms of gender and its distinct difference from sexual orientation.
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
➡ Watch all Gender Revolution Clips here: http://bit.ly/NGGenderRevolution
About Gender Revolution:
Gender and sexuality can be fluid, and today transgender issues are altering the nature of day-to-day interactions. What do you do when your 7-year-old son announces that he wants to be a girl? Or your husband of 30 years announces that he wants to be a woman? Newscasting legend Katie Couric takes us on a unique journey to discover the dynamics of gender in our world.
Get More National Geographic:
Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo
Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter
Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
The Genderbread Person | Gender Revolution
National Geographic
تجربة الماء الاسود مع مستر شنب – اغلى مويه !!!
كم نقدر نوصل لايكات !؟ نجيب 100 الف لايك ؟؟
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Sublime Vanille by Creed Fragrance Review (2009)
Where to buy: http://www.fragrancex.com/products/_cid_perfume-am-lid_s-am-sid_cr25subv__products.html
Timeline : 1:34 Presentation * 4:10 Scent * 13:19 Final Take * 16:32 Rating System
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Fragrance-Guru-Robes08-347926451498/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fragrance_guru
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robes08/
Microsoft Surface Book مراجعة جهاز
مراجعة جهاز Microsoft ال متحول سوف سبوك
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القناة الثانية كمال الاجسام KA Fitness:
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How much TNT will it take to blow up DanTDM’s Lab?!!?
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In this How Much TNT Video:
Today we are seeing how much TNT it takes to blow up DanTDM’s Lab! We are also doing insane rounds with modded tnt from the Crazy Bombs Mod!
Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:
Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music