Kangaroo vs. Kangaroo | National Geographic

Two male kangaroos face off with moves that resemble human hand-to-hand combat.
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During a visit to Warrumbungle National Park in New South Wales, Australia, a tourist filmed this fight between two male kangaroos, or boomers. The opponents engage in moves that resemble the grappling between wrestlers, and employ double-footed kicks with their powerful hind legs, and lots of pushing and shoving. Battles like this help determine social rank and mating privileges.

Read more about “Red Kangaroo”

Kangaroo vs. Kangaroo | National Geographic

National Geographic

Hidden Figures | “Make You The First” Clip [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Watch it now on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD
Digital HD http://bit.ly/HidFigDHDYT
Blu-ray & DVD http://bit.ly/HFPHYYT

HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe)—brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

Cast: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parsons, Mahershala Ali, Aldis Hodge, Glen Powell & Kimberly Quinn

Order Hidden Figures: The Album featuring new music by Pharrell, Janelle Monáe, Alicia Keyes, Mary J. Blige, Kim Burrell and more: http://smarturl.it/HiddenFiguresAM

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/FOXSubscribe

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Watch the Hidden Story Behind the Scenes: http://fox.co/HiddenStory
Watch highlights from Hidden Figures Live: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresLive
Watch the LIVE performance of “I See A Victory”: http://fox.co/ISeeAVictory
Watch a chat with the cast of Hidden Figures and Pharrell Williams: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresCastChat
Watch the Black Girls CODE interview and see the future of STEM: http://fox.co/BGCInterview
Read the book that inspired the movie: http://fox.co/2gcDHrV

Connect with Hidden Figures Online:
Visit Hidden Figures on our WEBSITE: http://HiddenFiguresMovie.com
Like Hidden Figures on FACEBOOK: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresFB
Follow Hidden Figures on TWITTER: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresTW
Follow Hidden Figures on INSTAGRAM: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresIG

About 20th Century FOX:
Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more.

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Visit the 20th Century FOX WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/FOXMovie
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Hidden Figures | “Make You The First” Clip [HD] | 20th Century FOX

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Don’t Be Fooled—This Isn’t Sea Grass | National Geographic

Robust ghost pipefish—or floating sea grass? These fish are masters of disguise.
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National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.

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Don’t Be Fooled—This Isn’t Sea Grass | National Geographic

National Geographic

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Hidden Figures | NASA Legacy | 20th Century FOX

Watch it now on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD
Digital HD http://bit.ly/HidFigDHDYT
Blu-ray & DVD http://bit.ly/HFPHYYT

HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe)—brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

Cast: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parsons, Mahershala Ali, Aldis Hodge, Glen Powell & Kimberly Quinn

Get the Hidden Figures score now on Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/HFScoreAM

Order Hidden Figures: The Album featuring new music by Pharrell, Janelle Monáe, Alicia Keyes, Mary J. Blige and more: http://smarturl.it/HiddenFiguresAM

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/FOXSubscribe

Watch the Teaser Trailer: http://fox.co/HiddenFigures
Watch the Hidden Story Behind the Scenes: http://fox.co/HiddenStory
Watch highlights from Hidden Figures Live: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresLive
Watch the LIVE performance of “I See A Victory”: http://fox.co/ISeeAVictory
Watch a chat with the cast of Hidden Figures and Pharrell Williams: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresCastChat
Watch the Black Girls CODE interview and see the future of STEM: http://fox.co/BGCInterview
Read the book that inspired the movie: http://fox.co/2gcDHrV

Connect with Hidden Figures Online:
Visit Hidden Figures on our WEBSITE: http://HiddenFiguresMovie.com
Like Hidden Figures on FACEBOOK: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresFB
Follow Hidden Figures on TWITTER: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresTW
Follow Hidden Figures on INSTAGRAM: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresIG

About 20th Century FOX:
Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more.

Connect with 20th Century FOX Online:
Visit the 20th Century FOX WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/FOXMovie
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Follow 20th Century FOX on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/TwitterFOX

Hidden Figures | NASA Legacy | 20th Century FOX

Hidden Figures | “Mothers, Wives, Heroes” TV Commercial | 20th Century FOX

Watch it now on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD
Digital HD http://bit.ly/HidFigDHDYT
Blu-ray & DVD http://bit.ly/HFPHYYT

HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe)—brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

Cast: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parsons, Mahershala Ali, Aldis Hodge, Glen Powell & Kimberly Quinn

Order Hidden Figures: The Album featuring new music by Pharrell, Janelle Monáe, Alicia Keyes, Mary J. Blige, Kim Burrell and more: http://smarturl.it/HiddenFiguresAM

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/FOXSubscribe

Watch the Teaser Trailer: http://fox.co/HiddenFigures
Watch the Hidden Story Behind the Scenes: http://fox.co/HiddenStory
Watch highlights from Hidden Figures Live: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresLive
Watch the LIVE performance of “I See A Victory”: http://fox.co/ISeeAVictory
Watch a chat with the cast of Hidden Figures and Pharrell Williams: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresCastChat
Watch the Black Girls CODE interview and see the future of STEM: http://fox.co/BGCInterview
Read the book that inspired the movie: http://fox.co/2gcDHrV

Connect with Hidden Figures Online:
Visit Hidden Figures on our WEBSITE: http://HiddenFiguresMovie.com
Like Hidden Figures on FACEBOOK: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresFB
Follow Hidden Figures on TWITTER: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresTW
Follow Hidden Figures on INSTAGRAM: http://fox.co/HiddenFiguresIG

About 20th Century FOX:
Official YouTube Channel for 20th Century Fox Movies. Home of Avatar, Aliens, X-Men, Die Hard, Deadpool, Ice Age, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Rio, Peanuts, Maze Runner, Planet of the Apes, Wolverine and many more.

Connect with 20th Century FOX Online:
Visit the 20th Century FOX WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/FOXMovie
Like 20th Century FOX on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/FOXFacebook
Follow 20th Century FOX on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/TwitterFOX

Hidden Figures | “Mothers, Wives, Heroes” TV Commercial | 20th Century FOX