Take a Tour of a Soviet-Era Ghost Town at the Edge of the World | Short Film Showcase

Located just 800 miles from the North Pole on the island of Spitsbergen, the Soviet-era ghosttown of Pyramiden is one of the northernmost permanent settlements in the world. The site was first developed as a mining village in 1936, after the Soviets acquired the rights to mine the local coalfields. Although Pyramiden was abandoned in 1998, it remains remarkably well preserved due to the frigid Arctic climate.
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For Syrian Refugees, He Is a Friendly Face in a Strange New Land | Short Film Showcase

According to the United Nations, more than 11 million Syrians have been displaced due to Syria’s civil war. Seeking safety, these refugees are resettling in numerous countries around the world. In this short film from Go Project Films, we hear the story of one such refugee. After fleeing torture and imprisonment by the Assad regime, Mohammed Alsaleh was granted asylum in Canada in 2014. Today, Alsaleh aids newly arrived Syrian families as they adjust to life in Canada—while hoping and waiting for his own family to join him.
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