CFPB Busts RE Agents

Prospect Mortgage and Real Estate Agents BUSTED
This one’s a shot across the bow of every Real Estate Company in the country.
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Mega Man 2.5D – Release trailer

Mega Man 2.5D is now a complete game! You can get it from our project website

For updates on the game, please follow us on Facebook or on Twitter.



Trailer song (slightly different, working on getting the intro version up there too)

Things to try if the game doesn’t work (you can try and start the game after each step.)
1. Try the installer free version.
2. Install the XNA Framework (xnafx40_redist.msi) and .NET Framework (NDP462-KB3151802-Web.exe) located in the redist folder (only included in the installer free version).
3. Try uninstalling .NET Framework (Control Panel – Programs and Features – Look for Microsoft .NET Framework and choose uninstall) and then try reinstalling it again.
4. Delete the MM25DConfig.xml file located in the root of the game folder.
5. Edit the MM25DConfig.xml file in the root of the game folder and change the tag FullScreen from “false” to “true”.
6. Add an exception for MM25DGame.exe in your antivirus software or disable it completely.

Bugs / Crashes:
Currently we’re aware of 4 game breaking bugs (so far it looks like we’ve fixed 3 out of 4). We’re working towards having an updated version out this weekend that adresses these 4 bugs.

Bug 1: This one can very easily happen right now. If you die on phase 2 of the wily machine fight, it is very likely that the game may crash. So if you’re playing the current build (1.0), please try and make sure that you do not die on phase 2 of that fight. If you have e-tanks left during the fight, try getting through the fight even if you end up using all of them.

Bug 2: If you die near an active Shotman enemy (An enemy that is only in Time Man’s stage), the game may crash. This is actually the same bug as Bug 1, as the projectile that the Wily machine uses is based on the projectile that the Shotman enemy uses.

Bug 3: If you play co-op mode and Player 2 plays as Mega Man, then the game will crash once you reach a robot master boss fight.

Bug 4: If you die by falling into a certain pit in Wily 2, the game may crash. It’s possible that it is also a requirement that you’re on your last life for this one to happen.

Researching How to Live With Coyotes | Short Film Showcase

Researchers are studying clashes between coyotes and humans while keeping in mind that humans have provided the settings for the predators to live comfortably. This film by filmmaker Priya Shelly sheds light on North America’s coyote dilemma and how human activities and attitudes created and define the problem.
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About Short Film Showcase:
The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic’s belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of National Geographic Partners.

See more from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase at

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About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.

Originally from central North America, coyotes are among the top predators in the United States. They have thrived, spreading across the continent, preying on rural livestock, and scavenging all the way to urban areas—there have been sightings of the canine in New York City’s Central Park. Researchers are studying clashes between the predator and humans while keeping in mind that humans have provided the settings for coyotes to live comfortably. This film by filmmaker Priya Shelly sheds light on North America’s coyote dilemma and how human activities and attitudes created and define the problem.

Follow Priya and learn more about the documentary:

Researching How to Live With Coyotes | Short Film Showcase

National Geographic

👍 بعد الاستخدام مجموعه من الحركات والاختصارات للسيرفيس Microsoft Surface Pro 4

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#مسامير – المنبوذ

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Announcement Trailer

Announcing The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, the next chapter in the award-winning The Elder Scrolls Online series! Return to the iconic island of Vvardenfell for over 30 hours of adventure in a brand new ESO location, with a new player class, a new PvP mode (Battlegrounds), a new Trial, and so much more.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind will be available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 6, 2017. Watch our cinematic announcement trailer to get some backstory and see the new player class, the Warden, in action for the first time. You may even recognize an old friend from your earlier ESO adventures. For more details on The Elder Scrolls Online, visit these sites:

Official Site:

ESRB RATING PENDING: May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit for rating information.