Exploring Super-Remote Caves in Greenland: #bestjobever

Gina Moseley loves caves. She started caving for sport when she was 13 years old, and now she’s in it for science. Moseley is a geologist and National Geographic grantee who traveled to a remote region of northeast Greenland to conduct climate-change research. She is constructing the first cave-based record of past climate change for Greenland.... Read More | Share it now!

5 Women Inventors You Should Thank

Do you drive a car or handwrite your to-do list or even drink coffee while on the John? You most likely do at least one of these things, but did you know that women inventors made all of these activities a lot easier to do? The world we live in is filled with a great level of efficiency and ease, yet we often forget — or aren’t made aware of — the role female inventors have had throughout history. Watch the video above and take a moment to learn about five women whose inventions still bless us today. ... Read More | Share it now!