Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition

On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the Torajan people believe that a person is not truly dead until water buffalo have been sacrificed at their funeral, serving as the vehicle to the afterlife. Until that time, the bodies are may be kept at the family’s home for weeks, months or years and are fed and cared for as if they were alive. Some Torajans continue their relationship with the dead through a ma’nene’ ceremony, a type of “second funeral” in which families bring out their ancestors every few years and change their clothes and clean their bodies and crypts.... Read More | Share it now!

هل تعلم أن أحد أقرباء سعاد حسني هو من أشهر ممثلي سوريا حالياً ؟ وتعرف علي أزواجها الخمسة

لا يعلم الكثيرون أن السندريللا سعاد حسني، واسمها الحقيقي سعاد محمد حسني البابا، هي من عائلة سورية دمشقية معروفة “عائلة البابا”
فعمها هو الفنان الراحل الكبير
أنور البابا الذي عرف بتأدية
دور “أم كامل” الشهير.
الفرع السوري من عائلة سعاد حسني لا يزال يمد الفن بالمواهب ومنهم الفنان نزار أبو حجرالذي كان خاله الفنان الراحل أنور البابا وبالتالي فهو ابن عمة السندريللا سعاد حسني وأختها نجاة الصغيرة.
نزار أبو حجر عُرف بأدوار كثيرة ومتعددة في الدراما السورية ربما أشهرها دور “أبو غالب” في مسلسل البيئة الشامية “باب الحارة”.
سعاد حسني (26 يناير 1943 – 21 يونيو 2001)، ممثلة ومغنية مصرية، وواحدة من أشهر الفنانات في مصر والوطن العربي، لقبت بسندريلا الشاشة العربية،... Read More | Share it now!

A Crash Course on Rabbit and Polenta with Elena Faita

In this episode of Giardinos, Le Bremner chef Danny Smiles gives props to Elena Faita, the godmother of Italian cooking in Montreal. At her Mezza Luna cooking school, Danny gets a crash course on a hearty northern Italian rabbit and polenta dish—perfect for Montreal’s brutal winters. He also learns the dangers of cooking with pepper and the not-so-delicate art of butchering a rabbit.... Read More | Share it now!

Wrecker Adventure! Harry Tow Meets Pigpen – Roadkill Ep. 48

A ’71 Ford Crew Cab 4×4 tow truck. Yeah, exactly what Finnegan and Freiburger need in their lives. In this episode of Roadkill, powered by Dodge, the guys trek to Colorado to meet up with cool fans who sold ’em the homebuilt, 460-powered tow truck that instantly became known as Harry Tow, or Harry for short. The guys hit the road aimlessly—a solid plan goes awry when snowpocalypse hits Colorado. Lost in the blizzard, Roadkill heads south to Arizona to pick up an old friend: Pigpen, the ’50 GMC truck that was rescued from a junkyard in episode 31.... Read More | Share it now!