Minecraft: TERRORISTS! – MASTER OF TIME – Custom Map [3]

It is our mission to save the world from Terrorists!
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Download Map: http://www.minecraftmaps.com/adventure-maps/the-master-of-time

Thumbnail Art By DarkSide PT : http://novask.in/w/warzone

In this Master Of Time 1.8 Custom Map:
Our village was attacked by terrorists and now we must travel through time to save the world!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

Yu-Gi-Oh VS Pokemon

Yu-Gi-Oh VS Pokemon
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Two titan gaming and anime franchises go head-to-head in this instalment of Watchmojo versus. It’s Pikachu vs Blue Eyes White Dragon, Yugi Muto vs Ash Ketchum, Duel Monsters vs Pocket monsters. We’re finding the answer by comparing the monsters, the trading card games, the anime, the video games, and the cultural impact. You’ll find mention of Charizard, Dark Magician, Red & Blue, World Wide Edition, Gold & Silver, Forbidden Memories, Exodia, Mewtwo, and so much more.

Yu-Gi-Oh! continues to dominate the TCG scene, but how will it fare against the new Pokemon additions of Sun and Moon, and Pokemon Go? We’ll get to the bottom of it in this video.

Watch on WatchMojo.com: http://www.watchmojo.com/video/id/16819/

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Dead Rising – Fun With Useless Weapons – Naomi Plays Live

Naomi and Mark play through the recently re-released Dead Rising, part of the Dead Rising Triple Pack, and look for fun ways to take out zombies with useless weapons.

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Hanzo – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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*** this video have subtitles make sure it’s : ON

Which Pixar Movie Deserves a Live-Action Reboot? – MOVIE FIGHTS!! (100th Episode!)

Want to see what the Avengers really think of Captain America? Watch a preview of The Roast of Captain America now! ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6jLhu0FRWE

Mike Carlson (Actor), Cody Decker (Professional Baseball Player) and Samm Levine (Actor, Inglorious Basterds) debate the following topics with judge Andy Signore (ScreenJunkies) and fact checker Dan Murrell (ScreenJunkies) for the week of 9/12/2016:

Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼
0:06:52 ROUND 1 – Pitch a Better Random Movie Sequel with a Baby
0:19:14 ROUND 2 – What two other actors should join Del Toro’s team in the new “Predator” film? What roles should they play?
0:33:55 ROUND 3 – Which Pixar movie should be made into live-action?
0:48:23 ROUND 4 – @travisofmarvel pitch a sports movie where the team & coach are played by other movie characters
1:05:09 ROUND 5 – @troyloxton Best film that will stand the test of time, 100 years from now.

Download the audio version on iTunes! at our RSS Feed ►► http://apple.co/1Mw3boz

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Support Our Fighters:
Mike Carlson – http://twitter.com/Phatcarlson
Cody Decker – http://twitter.com/Decker6
Samm Levine – http://twitter.com/SammLevine
Dan Murrell – http://twitter.com/MurrellDan
Andy Signore – http://twitter.com/AndySignore

Andy Signore, Dan Murrell, & Ken Napzok