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UFC Battle Lines Segment 4: History

Heavyweight Josh Barnett leans on friends for support and expertise in his handcrafted training camp, while opponent Andrei Arlovski hits the gym with the passion of a newcomer. With a combined 36 years of pro MMA experience between them, Barnett and Arlovski are both out to define their legacies when they clash in the main event of UFC Fight Night in Hamburg September 3.... Read More | Share it now!

UFC Battle Lines: Arlovski vs Barnett

Get an intimate look at the lives of two MMA pioneers, both former UFC heavyweight champions, as they prepare for a battle nearly a decade in the making. Californian Josh Barnett balances the grueling nature of mixed martial arts with fresh coaching approaches, a peaceful home life and a variety of intellectual pursuits. For Belarusian-born opponent Andrei Arlovski, home is where his head is: the Albuquerque gym where he has been reforged as a contender and rebuilt as a man.... Read More | Share it now!

UFC Battle Lines Segment 2: Preparation

See how UFC heavyweights Josh Barnett and Andrei Arlovski arrived at top contendership. For Barnett, a move from Seattle to California gave him the coaching he needed to succeed in the sport. Arlovski’s journey from Belarus brought him to Albuquerque, NM, where a team of killers has kept him young inside the Octagon. Arlovski and Barnett clash in the main event of UFC Fight Night in Hamburg September 3.... Read More | Share it now!