Pure Genius – First Look

A young silicon valley tech titan enlists the aid of a veteran surgeon with a controversial past in establishing the the high tech hospital of the future. Pure Genius stars Dermot Mulroney and Augustus Prew. Coming this Fall to CBS.

Bull – First Look

Inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw, Michael Weatherly stars as Dr. Jason Bull. Brilliant, brash and charming, he’s the ultimate puppet master combining psychology, intuition and high tech data to learn what makes jurors and the accused tick. Bull. Coming this Fall to CBS.

Kevin Can Wait – First Look

A newly retired police officer looks forward to spending more quality time with his wife and three kids only to discover he faces much tougher challenges at home than he ever did on the streets. Kevin James stars in Kevin Can Wait, this Fall on CBS.

Training Day – First Look

Based on the hit feature film, this crime thriller begins 15 years later when an idealistic young police officer is appointed to an elite squad of the LAPD and he is partnered with a seasoned yet morally ambiguous detective. Starring Bill Paxton and Justin Cornwell, Training Day. Coming soon to CBS.

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EATING TOILET CANDY!! (5 Weird Stuff Online – Part 26)

Thanks for da like ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
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Thanks to Skoshbox! https://goo.gl/kOeZ6w

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ft. Michael: https://www.youtube.com/Kapuzenwurm

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PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist
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My Book:
This Book Loves You

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