honestly, probably too many memes
for everyone who thought I actually bought a my little pony notebook…
Pendulum – Blood Sugar
Eris – Starkey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGt9AHuxn38
honestly, probably too many memes
for everyone who thought I actually bought a my little pony notebook…
Pendulum – Blood Sugar
Eris – Starkey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGt9AHuxn38
TotalBiscuit takes a look at the highly anticipated shooter from id Software and Bethesda.
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the devs discuss the state of the shaman class and brainstorm to find the most fair and balanced way to help him out in the metagame
Dr. Schloffengut and CBS Cares want you to know about the importance of prostate exams.
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We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself! Follow along with our hosts as they show you how to build awesome props from all of your favorite movies & games, for under $50! This is DIY Prop Shop!
Your Suicide Squad cosplay is about to reach a whole new level. Vinny teaches you how to make your very own Harley Quinn Hammer!
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The Boy-Mayor and his campaign manager, Totino’s, do a quick makeover, then make some highly targeted appearances all across the wonderful world of Second Life.
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