GW2 Choxie F*ing loves RNG 18

RNGesus blessed me on this day, for he has bestowed upon me the gifts of any mans wildest dreams! Praise RNGesus \o/
*Audio might be out of sync due to twitch VoD problems*
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Swain 6.10 vs Silvers

League of Legends Tank Swain champion spotlight Patch 6.10 after the buffs. Maybe silvers should start buying Grievous Wounds lol. If not Swain is broken. Swain slight rework and buff has made his win rate skyrocket. Thinking of making a guide on how to counter Swain since some people clearly don’t know. Wonder if he would be unkillable in urf. Got to test that out next time and make a montage :). He is good top and mid. ... Read More | Share it now!