Mo Rocca and CBS Cares encourage you to expand your mind.
How to Master WatchMojo’s Suggest Tool
Despite what our t-shirts say, WatchMojo will never run out of ideas. That’s thanks largely to the dedicated Mojoholics who use our suggest tool. Do you have a great idea for a top 10 list you’d like to see made? Here’s how to do it!
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1. Sign up for It’s free, of course, and you can use either an email address or your Facebook profile.
2. Use the search bar to see if we’ve already made a video of your idea: We’ve got a library of thousands of videos, and if we haven’t done your exact idea, we may have done one that is similar.
3. Search our suggest page to see if your idea has already been suggested: Great minds think alike! If someone already suggested your idea, skip right to step 6 and beef it up!
4. Create your suggestion: Give it a concise, snappy title, and put it in the right category using the dropdown menu. In addition to Top 10 lists, you can also suggest topics for Top 5 Facts, Versus, MsMojo, and our international channels!
5. Suggest some entries: If you are suggesting a Top 10 list, you need to suggest at least three entries. It’s okay if you can’t think of 10, other Mojoholics will probably fill some in for you, but the more you can put, the better!
6. Explain the criteria: Sometimes the point of a list isn’t immediately obvious, and needs some clarification. Adding criteria will help limit irrelevant entries. If there’s something that you think we should exclude, add it in here.
7. Make the case for your suggestions: This is your chance to explain why your suggested list items are worthy… or why other people’s aren’t!
8. Share the suggestion: Use the social media buttons to share it with your twitter followers and Facebook friends. If you know of a fan group that would want to have a say in the ranking, share it with them too!
9. Be patient: Not all suggestions are created equal, so a lot of them will never get made. Spamming us will not help. The ideas that do get made will usually take a few months before they appear online. So just sit back and wait. And while you’re waiting…
10. Raise your Mojo Rank: Every time you vote on lists, have your suggestions upvoted, follow other users, or get your suggestions turned into a video, you earn achievement points. Follow all the steps in this video and you’ll be on your way to becoming a MojoMaster… or even the elusive MojoOverlord! Being a top user could even win you some cool WatchMojo swag!
Thanks for helping to make WatchMojo great, Mojoholics!
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WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!
Nerd³ Live… Patreon Q&A – March 2016
A Bonus Q&A thanks to the Patreon Supporters!
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10 Ways Virtual Reality Could CHANGE The World
With all the virtual reality headsets coming out this year including the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Playstation VR, virtual reality has been put front and center and could change many aspects of our lives.
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Scrap Mechanic! – THE MECH CHALLENGE! Vs AshDubh – [#16] | Gameplay |
NEW GAME! SCRAP MECHANIC! In this video of Scrap Mechanic, it’s CHALLENGE TIME! We both have 10 minutes each to build a MECH that can push each other over! For those of you who don’t know, Scrap Mechanics is an machine-filled creative paradise of Scrap Mechanic, a multiplayer sandbox game with imagination and ingenuity at its core. Create fantastic machines, transforming vehicles or sneaky traps. The possibilities are endless with Scrap Mechanics powerful tools.
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Episode 12 – Samra Series | الحلقة الثاانية عشر – مسلسل سمرا
Episode 12 – Samra Series | الحلقة الثاانية عشر – مسلسل سمرا
مسلسل “سمرا” يلقى الضوء على فئة من الناس همشتهم الحياة وأنصفهم الحب، حيث يناقش مشاكل “الغجر” الذين يسكنون المخيمات ويعانون من العديد من المشاكل بشكل يومى فى إطار اجتماعى إنسانى، ويحتوى على العديد من الخطوط الدرامية، وشخصية “سمرا” التى تجسدها النجمة نادين نسيب نجيم هى فتاة جميلة وجذابة تنتمى إلى الغجر حولت الفقر والحاجة واليأس الذى تعانيه إلى رقصة تجوب بها القرى وشوارع المدينة،
يُشاركها فى العمل أحمد فهمى الذى يؤدى شخصية طبيب فى منظمة “أطباء حول العالم”، التى هدفها علاج الأطفال اللاجئين والمشردين فى جميع أنحاء العالم والذى يقع فى حب “سمرا” ويواجه الكثير من المتاعب. ويشارك فى البطولة أيضًا النجم طونى عيسى، إضافة إلى يوسف فوزى وحنان سليمان ومى القاضى من مصر، ونخبة من الفنانين اللبنانيين والسوريين وعلى رأسهم النجمتين القديرتين منى واصف وسمر سامى، محمد حداقى وباميلا الكيك ووسام حنا وألكو داوود وخالد السيد ونهلا داوود وآخرين، والمسلسل سيناريو وحوار الكاتبة كلوديا مرشليان والإخراج لرشا شربتجى، وإنتاج شركة صبّاح للإعلام.
The Milky Way Galaxy – Cosmic Concepts
The Milky Way, seen as a band of light stretching across the night sky, is actually a barred spiral galaxy.
Galaxy Shapes and Sizes – Cosmic Concepts
Throughout the universe, galaxies are found in a variety of shapes and sizes. Presented by Dr. Frank Summers
مشاهد لا تصدق فى الأفلام حدثت بالفعل فى الحقيقة !
( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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قد ترى بعض المشاهد فى الأفلام لا تقتنع بها وترى أنها بعيدة تماماً عن المنطق
ولكن قد يكون من المفاجأ لك عندما تعرف أن بعض هذه المشاهد حدثت على أرض الواقع