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#سنبر ، سلسلة كارتونية تقدم العلم بشكل ترفيهي .
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اشترك في قناة ميركوت:
#سنبر ، سلسلة كارتونية تقدم العلم بشكل ترفيهي .
في هذه الحلقة نستكشف مع صديقنا سنبر عن الروبوت!
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This partying bulldog has a ruff day at the office after her St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Being hungover at work truly sucks, but if Sugar Bear the Bulldog (https://www.instagram.com/sugarbearthebully) can get through it, so can you my friend. Be strong!
More on office hangovers: http://on.mash.to/22q3XNN
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Video by Keith Hopkin & Laura Vitto
Half-Life: Foxtrot Uniform (Live Action Short Film)
May 16,2003: When Gordon Freeman inserted the sample GG-3883 into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, it was the begining of an unstoppable chain reaction.
First the Xen Aliens invaded the Black Mesa Research Facility; Then the US Marines were call in to contain and eliminate all threat.
After the complete failure of their operation, the CIA black operatives were send to arm a thermonuclear bomb in order to destroy the entire Black Mesa facility…
Follow USMC private Cooper through his journey in hell.
Directed by Benjamin Combes.
Soundtrack: Ogre & Dallas Campbell
Sound Design: Charlie Atanasyan
Props Maker: Props Factory
Stunts & Fight Choregraphy: CinturiWolf
Starring Eric Carlesi, Antony Cinturino, Stephane Asensio, Olivier Dobremel.
Thanks to Crowbar Collective/Black Mesa Source for sound effects and 3d models.
This is an independent, non-profit, artistic expression created purely as a fan film, for fans, by fans! It is in no way connected to, or endorsed by VALVE, nor is it intended to undermine or compete with any existing or forthcoming material.
© Half-Life is a trademark of VALVE.
The 2015 World Tandem Champions, Kalani Vierra and Krystl Apeles give us a close up view to what it takes to become world champions of tandem surfing.
Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from http://GoPro.com.
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In a mixed tag team match that everyone was anticipating, “The Miracle” Mike Bennett and Maria find a way to pull off a “miracle” and earn the victory.
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IMPACT WRESTLING is on Pop every Tuesday night at 9e/p. To find out where you can watch, visit the Channel Finder on www.poptv.com
Add IMPACT WRESTLING to your calendar impac.tw/IMPACTReminder
Male seahorses possess the remarkable ability to give birth to thousands of babies at once.
Click here to read more about seahorses: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/sea-horse/
Get the recipe for Chili Seasoning Mix at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/26391/chili-seasoning-mix-ii/
Watch how to make a simple chili seasoning mix that’s anything but simple in flavor. It takes just a few minutes to stir this up and it’s the perfect foodie item to make into gifts.
Subscribe to Allrecipes @ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=allrecipes
Allrecipes Magazine is now available!
U.S. subscribers, subscribe here: http://armagazine.com/subscribenow
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يا عيال فجرو ام المقطع لايكات وصلوله لايكات عاليه لايك واحد منكك يأثررر بصير انزل كل يومين في القناة هذي تحديات ومقالب واشياء ثانية ولايكاتكم هي تبين اذا تبوني اواصل ولا لا فجروووه ودييي يبوييي ✨✨✨✨✨??????????
قناة الفلوقات كل يوم مقطع الساعة 5:30 الصباح فلوق جديد / https://goo.gl/ru6k4T
وش الاشياء اللي تصير معاك في الليل ؟ ((=
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There are many breweries in Colorado, but only one craft brewery made for and by metalheads: TRVE Brewing Company. When Nick Nunns and Zach Coleman aren’t playing and listening to metal, they’re hard at work making beer at their Denvery brewery. Nick and Zach decided to take a different approach in their brewing; instead of concentrating on what the consumer wants, they brew the beer that they wanna brew—and hopefully others like it, too.
While most craft breweries focus on heavy, full-bodied, high-ABV beers, TRVE aims to get full-flavor beers with a lower alcohol content, for good session beers that you can drink without getting totally wrecked.
With a new production faculty in the works, expect to see more of TRVE in the near future.
The Sci-Fi Heavy Metal Beer: Craftwerk 3 Floyds: http://bit.ly/21y7mYv
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