Nerd³ Completes… Fallout 4 – 55 – Fratricide

Descriptions. Descriptions never change.

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End theme by Dan Bull:

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The Division – Dark Zone PVP 20-24

Ripper and his friend Vero hop into the lvl 20-24 Dark Zone Player Bracket for some PvP Rogue action.

Visit Ripper’s Channel for more Division Content:

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Top 10 Celebrity Ugly Ducklings

They went from awkward to absolutely astonishing. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Celebrity Ugly Ducklings. Subscribe►► Facebook►► Twitter►► Instagram►►

For this list, we’re focusing on famous individuals who transformed in the looks department from their regular childhood days into powerful and charming celebrities in their current lives.

Special thanks to our user Contributor101 for submitting the idea on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at

In the past year we’ve seen our team and our audience grow rapidly. As such, we’ve decided to serve the long-running desire of some to see us produce videos on a wider set of topics. Indeed, while millions of women enjoy the content found on WatchMojo, the fact that 85% of our subscribers are men reflects the topics we tend to concentrate on within the video games, movie, television, music and pop culture categories. We considered either adding some of the MsMojo videos you have seen/will see on WatchMojo, but as we currently publish over an hour’s worth of content every day with 6 clips (and will be publishing more over time), we felt that launching a new channel made more sense, so that we can give our audience the other ideas that we overlooked or didn’t feel made sense to go on WatchMojo. Initially most of then topics we cover on MsMojo could have very well been published here, but over time there will be some that would have not (think Top 10 One Direction songs or Top 10 Yoga Exercises). While the new channel was indeed conceived by some of WatchMojo’s female staff and is branded as a women’s channel, we’re sure that a lot of men will like some of the videos inasmuch as women have come to enjoy WatchMojo as the content will be as varied as it’s been on WatchMojo. As such, once a week we will cross promote a MsMojo clip on WatchMojo, and as a whole new universe of viewers find out about MsMojo (whom may not have had an interest in WatchMojo’s topics), we will then publish one WatchMojo clip on MsMojo, too. Check it out, and if it’s your cup of tea, feel free to subscribe. Over time, we envision publishing as many videos on MsMojo as we currently do on WatchMojo!

Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here:

WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

10 طرق قانونية للهروب من السجن !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
أشترك معنا الأن – بالضغط على زر أشتراك ليصلك كل ما هو جديد
قناة متع عقلك | شخصيات ◄
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يمثل نزلاء السجون مشكلة كبيرة في جميع أنحاء العالم بسبب التكاليف الباهظة التي تتطلبها السجون لذلك لجأت بعض الدول لفكرة إعادة تأهيل السجين كنقطة بداية لتحريره وإعادة دمجه في المجتمع الذي تم عزله عنه
سنعرض هنا 10 طرق قانونية تمنح السجين فرصة للخروج من السجن أو تخفيف العقوبة

This Intimate Look at a Woman’s Last Days Will Touch Your Soul

At the age of 89, Phyllis B. Andrews died at home, surrounded by her loved ones. National Geographic photographer Lynn Johnson shares the intimate moments between the dying woman and her family in the final days of Andrews’s life.

As a friend of Andrews’s daughter Nancy, Johnson was able to photograph and record the last week of Andrews’s life and even her final breath. Her health rapidly declining, Andrews spoke about death and aging as her daughter came to terms with saying goodbye. Theirs is a story like so many others, where the child, now caring for a dying mother or father, takes the role of the parent. This is how one woman and her family moved through that time.

In the April 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine, the feature story “Crossing Over” explores how advances in medical technology have changed the very meaning of death. In our modern world, where technology is king, the difference between life and death is no longer black and white. If you die, you can be successfully resuscitated or kept alive with machinery that pumps your heart for you. You can even choose to have your body or head cryogenically frozen in the hopes that you could one day be brought back to life. But what of the people who view death in a more traditional way? What about those who are old, ill, and in pain but ready and unafraid to die? Lynn Johnson relates the story of Phyllis Andrews, an elderly woman who refused further medical treatment for her heart disease and chose to die at home, in the company of her family and friends, with as little pain as possible.

Click here to read the full magazine story:

SPECIAL THANKS: Nancy Andrews and Annie O’Neill, the Andrews family, Sadie Tuck, and Durcellia Baylor
Editor: Kathryn Carlson

Venusaur – Speed Painting (#Photoshop) | CreativeStation

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Everything You Need To Know Before Buying Dark Souls 3

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying Dark Souls 3. The 3rd installment in the Dark Souls series arrives on Thursday Mar 24th, and before you go out and buy Dark Souls 3 TGN partner Globku tells you everything you need to know.
● Help TGN Reach 1,000,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscribe! ●

Written, Edited, and Voiced by TGN partner Globku: @Magical_Noob


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Top 10 Celebrities You Forgot Dated Each Other

Remember when these people were a thing? Probably not. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Celebrities You Forgot Dated Each Other. Subscribe►►… Facebook►► Twitter►► Instagram►► Suggestion Tool►► Channel Page►►

For this list, we’re focusing on documented relationships between stars that were more than just your average one-night-stand.

Special thanks to our user MikeMJPMUNCH for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at

Check out the voting page here,

Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here:

WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!