الفنانة التونسية إيناس النجار تنفصل عن زوجها بعد شهر من زواجهما…شاهد التفاصيل

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إضغط هنا لترى 16 فنان بهدلهم الفقر…أحدهم كان يتسول فى الشارع…ورقم 16 سيذهلكم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcAfl34Fq6w&index=1&list=PLFUUhRdSN8wk_-WrGn3K_uh7JdZ1Uu6lY
إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها

إضغط هنا لتعرف أسرار الزواج الثانى بحياة الرؤساء والملوك العرب…فهل كانت نزوات ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات مشهورات وافقن على الزواج من رجال متزوجين…مفاجأة

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إضغط هنا لترى أجمل إطلالات النجوم والنجمات في مهرجان القاهرة السينمائي 37…برأيكم من الأجمل ؟‏

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Marvel’s Daredevil – Season 2 – Official Trailer – Part 2 – Netflix [HD]

Just when Matt thinks he is bringing order back to the city, new forces are rising in Hell’s Kitchen. Now the Man Without Fear must take on a new adversary in Frank Castle and face an old flame – Elektra Natchios.

Bigger problems emerge when Frank Castle, a man looking for vengeance, is reborn as The Punisher, a man who takes justice into his own hands in Matt’s neighborhood. Meanwhile, Matt must balance his duty to his community as a lawyer and his dangerous life as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, facing a life-altering choice that forces him to truly understand what it means to be a hero.

Watch: Polar Bear Charges Nat Geo Photographers

Franz Josef Land is the northernmost archipelago in the world, only 560 miles (900 kilometers) from the North Pole in the Russian Arctic. It is uninhabited by humans—except for a few scientists working in the nature reserve—and the wildlife population is robust. The rugged environment is home to thousands of walruses, whales and polar bears.

Photographer Cory Richards joined the Pristine Seas expedition to Franz Josef Land as a natural history photographer. When it came to making an image of the mighty polar bear, it was trial by fire. “I’ve been working for over a month to try to capture something that both celebrates the power of this animal, but also celebrates intimacy and gets us in close. This is my first time trying to actually photograph a polar bear in its natural environment. I’m learning. I’m learning every single second.”

On one of his final attempts to photograph a polar bear, he decided to get out of the boat and go onto the shore, where he saw a polar bear in the distance. The plan was to set up a camera on the beach and hope that the bear would come over, Richards said. “As I get out of the boat, I’m thinking, ‘First of all, this is stupid. There have been fatal attacks on these islands. People have lost their lives here. I’m willfully jumping onto the beach, with a very hungry bear, who has lost the opportunity to escape with the ice pack. I’m now food. I’m part of the food chain. And I’m certainly not the top of it.'” Richards set up a time-lapse camera on the beach, as well as a small video camera. “All that matters right now to me is making an image that has a lasting impact.” But the bear was not paying attention to the team or coming any closer—until they launched a drone.

The team quickly got back in the boat to let the bear be, and the bear’s curiosity led him right toward the camera on the beach. Richards got the images he was hoping for. “I think polar bears are one of the most special species that we can be looking at right now. Their life, in every way, is threatened. Climate change is affecting their environment. Photographing a polar bear, in the current state of the world, is not only beautiful but deeply important and deeply impactful.”

Find out more about the Pristine Seas expedition to Franz Josef Land—in collaboration with Russkaya Arktika National Park, the Russian Geographical Society, and National Geographic—in the National Geographic magazine feature article: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2014/08/franz-josef-land/quammen-text

Pristine Seas Expedition: http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/explore/pristine-seas/franz-josef-land/

Click here to read more about Cory Richards: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/explorers/bios/cory-richards-bio/

Be sure to check out the rest of the Expedition Raw series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLivjPDlt6ApQwXq3U8A7Y3HAWPajyXOIQ

PRODUCER/EDITOR: Carolyn Barnwell
SERIES PRODUCERS: Chris Mattle and Jennifer Shoemaker
GRAPHICS: Chris Mattle and Babak Shahbodaghloo

This video was adapted from the television show Behind Russia’s Frozen Curtain on NatGeo WILD, edited by Neil Gelinas: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/destination-wild/episodes/behind-russias-frozen-curtain/

Vegetarian Recipes – How to Make Cucumber Sandwiches

Get the top-rated recipe for Cucumber Sandwiches at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/18003/cucumber-sandwich/

Watch how to make a simple sandwich piled high with cucumbers, avocado, pepperoncini, sprouts, cream cheese, and tomato. Dressed with olive oil and red wine vinegar, it’s a veggie lover’s dream.

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فتوش غرغور المميز

أمل وشمس ترغبان بصنع فتوش لذيذ وطازج!! ولكنهما بحاجة إلى مكونات طازجة!! ماذا سيفعلان يا ترى لتحصلان على مكونات شهية وطازجة يا ترى؟؟

تابعونَا على مواقعَ التَّواصلِ الاجتماعيِّ، لتَعرفوا كلَّ ما هوَ جديدٌ، وممتعٌ، ومفيدٌ مِنِ (افتحْ يا سمسم)
