Top 10 Bad Commercials With Celebrities

Hey, even famous people have regrets. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Commercials with Celebrities. Subscribe►► Facebook►► Twitter►► Instagram►► Suggestion Tool►► Channel Page►►

For this list, we’re looking at our favourite horrible commercials from across the world that feature famous celebrities.

Special thanks to our user John Nolan for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at

Check out the voting page here,

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Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings Recipe

Perfect food for a big game or a movie night… hot hot hot chicken wings with fresh crunchy celery and a creamy blue cheese dip.

Get the full recipe at:

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Stop Talking About Your Low-Key Valentine’s Day Plans | Mashable Humor

We get it, you’re not doing a whole thing this year.

Read more:

Max Ash
Rachel Wenitsky
Alex Song
Johnathan Fernandez
Matt Evans

Written by Agathe Panaretos and David Sidorov
Directed by David Sidorov
Produced by Lindsey Ferrier
DP: Jake Fertig and Taylor Jones

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Mashable is a leading global media company that informs, inspires and entertains the digital generation.

Top 10 Kart Racing Games

There’s nothing quite like kart racing to provide gamers with years of friendship-destroying entertainment. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Kart Racing Games. Subscribe►►
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For this list we’re taking a look at kart-based racing video games throughout the history of the medium, pinpointing the finest examples of this sub-genre in action. We’re placing a limit of one game per franchise, as well as leaving out games that feature realistic car racing.

Special Thanks to our users “mac121mr0” “Semaj Mcculler” & “Michael Joseph” for suggesting this topic on our interactive suggestion tool at

Check out the voting page here,

Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here:

WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

GoPro VR: Fun Laps and Fast Wheelies on the BMW S1000RR Superbike

Hold up your phone and spin around on the back of Martin Szwarc’s 2015 BMW S1000RR Superbike. GoPro Spherical allows for a fully immersive view riding 2-up as he takes us on a 360 VR lap of Thunderhill Raceway along with a few of his buddies.

Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪

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أغرب الظواهر االطبيعية فى المحيطات !

رابط موقع سماء الأحلام :

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TIL: Why Your Brain is Wrinkly

The human brain looks like a big, pinkish-gray, wrinkly walnut. There are so many folds in it that, if it could be unfolded, it could be a small tablecloth. Pinkish-gray might not match your decor, but it would be about the right size!

This “tablecloth” is made up of the cerebral cortex and is the wrinkly outside layer of your brain. All those folds are responsible for abstract thought, language, and memory. Scientists believe the wrinkles exist as a way to increase the surface area of the cortex, allowing for increased brainpower in a smaller space.

In this week’s “Today I Learned,” neuroscientist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer Steve Ramirez shares some of his smarts on how your cortex is different from your pet hamster’s.