8,400-Year-Old Skeleton of a Baby Found in Germany | National Geographic

Archaeologists in Germany discovered the grave of a prehistoric family that includes an 8,400-year-old skeleton of a six-month-old baby. A rare find, this skeleton is considered to be one of the oldest in Europe. Scientists believe that the bones and the burial site will provide a wealth of information about Mesolithic Europe.
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8,400-Year-Old Skeleton of a Baby Found in Germany | National Geographic

Archaeologists in Germany discovered the grave of a prehistoric family that includes an 8,400-year-old skeleton of a six-month-old baby. A rare find, this skeleton is considered to be one of the oldest in Europe. Scientists believe that the bones and the burial site will provide a wealth of information about Mesolithic Europe.
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#عالم_القصص: نام اليربوع الصغير

ماذا تفعلين عندما لا يتمكن صغيرك من النوم؟Picture //حان وقت النوم ليربوع، فحاولت أمه كل الطرق الممكنة لتجعله ينام ليلته بهدوء، ولكن يبدو أن هناك ما يزعج يربوع، ولا يريد أن تتركه أمه!! يا ترى بماذا يفكر يربوع؟ وهل ستتمكن أمه من جعله ينام بهدوء؟ شاهدوا القصة لتعرفوا... Read More | Share it now!