Promoted – Embarrassing car care fails: the new engine with no oil

PROMOTED CONTENT: Cars. They’re pretty simple inventions, but they’ve moved on from the days of having three wheels, a one-cylinder two-stroke unit and no roof. Now they’re intelligent, powerful driving machines.

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Easy to run, easy to look after. Right? In principle, yes. Sometimes, though, it’s worth remembering that your cars needs a bit of TLC, and sometimes that TLC needs to come from someone other than yourself. Someone in overalls who happens to be a qualified car technician, perhaps.

Many of us fancy ourselves as car gods who can fix any problem, little or large, that arises in our cars. The reality can be very different from the fantasy though, and it afflicts all of us at some time. And when we say us, we really mean us. So us and our friends at PistonHeads and What Car? put our lovely mugs on camera to reveal our darkest, most embarrassing car-care fails.

From changing the oil incorrectly to unfortunate wrench-related injuries, via a smoking engine and other ignominious disasters, we prove beyond reasonable doubt that even the pundits and experts can get it wrong.

Enjoy this first look at one of our fails. And please be gentle with us…

The Black Swan | #TBT Trailer | 20th Century FOX

Tyrone Power and Maureen O’Hara cross romantic swords in this epic OSCAR®-Winning* swashbuckler. Reformed pirate Jamie Boy (Power) is supposed to be helping the new governor of Jamaica rid the Caribbean of black-hearted buccaneers. But when he falls head over keel for Lady Margaret (O’Hara) he kidnaps her and sets sail for the adventure of a lifetime.

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أصل ونشاة وتاريخ السنة الهجرية

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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ماذا تعرف عن السنة الهجرية …؟
بداية وقبل عهد سيدنا عمر بن الخطاب،كانت لدى المسلمين فقط شهور كما كانت لدى العرب قبل الإسلام
وللإشارة فالأشهر الهجرية الحالية وضعها العرب قبل البعتة النوبية بـ150 سنة
ويعتمد التقويم الهجري على حركة القمر، ولذلك يصنف على أنه تقويم قمري.
وقد بدأت فكرة إنشاء تقويم إسلامي حينما بعث أبا موسى الأشعري رضي الله عنه كتب إلى عمر رضي الله عنه ” أنه يأتينا منك كتب ليس لها تاريخ، وقد قرأنا كتاباً محله شعبان فما ندري أهو شعبان الذي نحن فيه أم الماضي” فجمع عمر رضي الله عنه الناس، فاقترح بعضهم الأخد بتاريخ الإسراء والمعراج، أو بداية نزول الوحى على رسول الله،
ولكن سيدنا عمر قال نجعله بهجرة المسلمين، حيث أصبح لهم وطن، وقانون، وحاكم، وأصبحنا نصنع أحداثنا، فاستقروا أن تصبح الهجرة هى بداية التاريخ.
ونظرا لاعتماده رضي الله عنه الهجرة النبوية الشريفة بداية له فقد سمي بالتقويم الهجري
و ذلك سنة سبع عشرة من الهجرة ، فلما اتفقوا قال بعضهم ابدئوا برمضان، فقال عمر: بل بالمحرم فإنه منصرف الناس من حجهم، فاتفقوا عليه.
وتتألف السنة الهجرية من 354 يوما و هو الوقت الذي يستغرقه دوران القمر حول الأرض اثنتي عشرة مرة.
ونظرا لاعتماد التقويم الهجري على حركة القمر، فإن السنة الهجرية تتقدم كل عام 11 يوما،
والتقويم الهجري هو المعتمد لدى المسلمين في العبادات كالصوم والحج وغيرها وتعتبر المملكة العربية السعودية الدولة الوحيدة التي تقرر بجعل التقويم الهجري التقويم الرسمي للدولة

وبهذه المناسبة نتقدم لكم نحن فريق متع عقلك بأطيب المتمنيات وسنة هجرية سعيدة وكل عام وأنتم إلى الله أقرب

Minecraft Story Mode – THE LOST TEMPLE! – Order Of The Stone – Part [3]

Hello Everybody!
Welcome to my new Let’s Play on the new Mincraft Story Mode!

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Apple’s Cutest and Fuzziest Unboxing of All Time

Apple’s long-awaited new product is finally here, so we ripped the box open and took a closer look.

Behold the iPup: the fuzziest, furriest and most lifelike tech marvel we’ve ever unboxed. Ours was named Dakota, but yours will have a fun name of its very own.

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Top 10 Batman Movies

You know him as the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight or just the Bat. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for Top 10 Batman Movies. For this list, quality is the key factor so we’re only looking at the very best of the Caped Crusader’s canon. We’re also solely focusing on films that feature Batman as the main character, so any Justice League or Superman/Batman movies aren’t quite what we’re looking for today. Click here to subscribe: or visit our channel page here: Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at 🙂

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Special thanks to our users jkellis, jwiking62, Jason Chapman, Scott Frank Neve II, Pablo Isaac Jáuregui Chacón, Jason Lundgren, LouisCampbell, Brian Silva, Krysta Morgan, Luis Sanchez, Al Bebak, Joe Greenwell, Gil Zaltsman, The_DB_VIrus, Declan Hearne, Emmet sheehan, David NM and Sanderson Sister for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at

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QC#76 – Randomizer Rocket Ride

An HD camera is taped to a homemade “Randomizer Rocket” loaded with a v2.0 homemade sugar motor, and shot up around 1,000 feet high.

Next Video: QC#77 – Sky Ballz:
Previous Video: QC#75 – N64 Rocket Controller:

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

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Music by Scott & Brendo “One More Time” Instrumental

Project Inspired By: A design collaboration I did with Ritchie Kinmont (


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume responsibility for the results of your actions. Playing with experimental rocket motors could result in serious injury, property damage and/or legal ramifications. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

I wanted to know what it looked like from the rocket’s point of view, as it launched off with a homemade “Screw-Lock” sugar motor. (Sugar Motor V2.0)

My friend Ritchie Kinmont, who was instrumental in making the Randomizer project happen, did an in-depth search on Amazon and found a small and lightweight HD video camera (1080p) for around $85.

We taped it to the body of the rocket with some electrical tape near the nosecone, and set it off, and were amazed at the footage that came back.

Considering the fins are just hot-glued onto the rocket, the thing flies surprisingly stable, and hardly spins at all, which is very evident in the video.

I later added video cameras facing forward on the rocket body, and one under the parachute, to get different views, and my hope is to one day sit down and edit all the cool footage we got into a music video similar to something out of Top Gun.

This launch documents the successful operation of the Randomizer Rocket, and is very gratifying to me because it shows that you can create a homemade rocket, launchpad, sugar motor with ejection charge, fire resistant wadding, parachute, igniter, and launch controller all from scratch, that work!

I realize most people aren’t very excited by building rockets, but for those who are, I hope you feel the same sense of wonder and awe as I did in building this series.

The “Randomizer” rocket can also be used with commercial “Estes” D12-3 and E9-6 black power motors, so there’s a good chance you can fly them with your local rocket club.

The rocket can fly over 1,000 feet high, and depending on the winds, can stay in the air for around 5 minutes while it floats back to the ground, so it’s important to be super cautious where, and when, you launch to avoid doing any damage.

Rockets are not toys, and this video is mainly for educational and demonstrational purposes. If you’re going to attempt making a rocket yourself, I highly suggest you check local laws and inquire with local rocketry clubs on how to safely make and launch them.