10 حقائق مدهشة عن التوائم

نسبة التوائم فى العالم 2.5 % فقط
فمن من بين كل 80 حالة ولادة هناك حالة توأم واحدة

بعد 14 أسبوع من الحمل يبدأ التوأم فى مداعبة بعضهما
وعند الأسبوع 18 يقضون 30% من وقتهما بالتواصل الجسدى داخل رحم الأم
فيمكن لأحدهما ملامسة عين الاخر بنفس الحرص الذى يلمس به عينيه
ويدل ذلك أنهم يدركون معنى التعامل مع إنسان اخر بعناية
فعندما يبدأ توأمك فى العراك داخل بطنك فلا داعى للقلق

لماذا هناك توائم متشابهه وأخرى غير متشابهة ؟
التوائم المتماثلة تكون فى الاصل جنين واحد و تنقسم فى مرحلة مبكرة من عمر الحمل الى كتلتين جنينيتين منفصلتين لكنهما لا ينسيان انهما كانا فى الاصل جسم جنينى واحد فى البداية لذا فهما يمتلكان نفس الخريطة الجينية التوائم الغير متماثلة
تلك التوائم التى تتكون من تلقيح بويضتين بحيوانين منويين و تكثر هذه الحالة من التوائم مع الادوية التى تعمل على رفع الخصوبة

التوائم المتطابقه لا تملك نفس البصمه على الرغم من تطابق حامضهما النووى

منذ عام 1980 فان معدلات إنجاب التوائم زادت بنسبه 76% فى العالم والسبب يرجع إلى أن كثيراً من النساء أصبحن تنتظرن حتى سن 30 لأنجاب الأطفال وسبب أخر هو أنتشار الأدوية التى تزيد الخصوبه لدى الرجال والتى تساعد بشده على احتماليه إنجاب التوائم
ولكن تظل معدلات إنجاب التوائم المتطابقه منخفضه كما هى

ولادة التوائم مؤشر على طول عمر الأم
وذلك لأن هذا يعنى أن الهرمونات والجينات لديها ذات كفاءة أعلى من المرأة العادية‎

فى حادثة طريفة سرق أحد توأمين عدة متاجر في ألمانيا وفشلت الشرطة في تحديد الجاني حيث كان لكل منهما نفس الحمض النووي وعندما لم يستطع المحققون إثبات أيهما من أرتكب الجريمة أمر القاضي باﻹفراج عنهما معاً

تملك النساء الأطول فرصة أعلى لإنجاب توأم
فالمرأة الطويلة لديها مستويات أعلى فى هرمونات النمو، مما يجعل المبيضين أكثر عرضة للتوأمة

التوائم لهما إنعكاسات دقيقة لبعضهما البعض يواجة حوالى 25 % من التوائم بعضهم البعض أثناء تواجدهما فى الرحم ولهذا يصبحا إنعكاساً لبعضهما البعض بعد الولادة مثل المرآة فتجد مثلاً أن أحدهما أيسر والأخر أيمن

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Isometric Gaming Room – 3D Speed art (#Cinema4D) | CreativeStation

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Nissan GT-R Nismo vs Nissan Juke-R 2.0 – Drag race

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A couple of weeks ago we thought the 542bhp Jaguar F-Type AWD might just have enough power to de-throne the internet’s darling Nissan GT-R. It didn’t.

We’ve gone away scratched our heads and decided this time to play a wildcard, with the Juke-R 2.0.

Disatisfied with the 485bhp V6 in the original Juke-R, Nissan has this time used a Nismo engine from the GT-R production line and bolted it in to this 2.0, meaning it now produces the same 591bhp and 485lb ft of torque as the GT-R Nismo. This is your pound for pound fight of the year.

In the right corner, at the helm of the Juke-R 2.0 we have Matt Prior, and in the left corner, none other than Jann Mardenborough, Nissans GT Academy winner.

Autocar, the world’s leading motoring magazine and website, delivers industry-leading news, the most in-depth car reviews and opinion from our team of experts. Our presenters include some of the world’s top motoring journalists who have unrivalled access to the world’s fastest, rarest, most exotic and most exciting cars on some of the world’s best roads and race tracks.

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MP: Hello welcome to Silverstone. This is quite organised isn’t it? This is one of our drag races we do. You might remember a couple of weeks ago we did one between a Jaguar all-wheel-drive F-Type and a Nissan GT-R, and the GT-R won. We thought, well, we should come back when we think we might have something that might beat the GT-R. So we’ve come back. There’s another GT-R here, although it is a GT-R Nismo, so it’s got 600bhp. But to try and beat it, I’ve got a Juke-R 2.0, which is basically another GT-R. Basically, it’s got a GT-R engine, GT-R drivetrain in a Juke style body. Driving the Nissan Nismo is former GT academy winner, LMP2 racer, GP3 driver, podium finisher at Le Mans, Jann Mardenborough. The loveliest man in motor racing. Driving the Juke car will be me. Now we’ve both got ballast of a passenger and because they’re a little bit worried about the transmission of this 600bhp car, we are doing a sort of rolling start. But anyway I’ll get lidded up and we will see which one is faster. MP: Oh, windows gone up over there. It’s getting serious. Right. JM: But off-the-line I had him, and I thought it was fine, and then I looked and he was alongside. JM: Wow that’s much quicker than I, much closer than I thought it would be. TD2: That was bloody closer than I thought. We were, alright, a tad quicker on the start at go. Got a slight jump. We pulled away, I reckon half a car, then he overtook us. MP: I reckon it’s when the aero kicks in. He just starts to come back. MP: Second run then and I’m one-nil down already, but I’m not going to let Mardenborough’s mind games get the better of me. MP: The Juke-R is off to a better start again. It really does have exceptional traction. And this time it holds it all the way to the end. Stick that in your buttery biscuit base. TD1: Ar mate, once it gets going it really starts reeling it in. I think it’s because it’s short wheelbase, it’s just better initially off the line. TD2: We were rolling a tad quicker and when you went go, yeah defiantly we are way ahead on reaction and we got half a car straight away. We were pulling away a little bit until probably fifth gear and then he really seemed to come back at us. TD1: We were talking fractions anyway. It’s like that. JM: It does lag as well, so you like pull it and nothing happens and he’s gone. So you lose. As soon as he says go, I’m on it. MP: Run three then, and let’s see if we can finally put the GT-R to bed. MP: We’re off to a slightly better start, and I’m maintaining it. This is unusual. Oh no, here he comes now. JM: Did they catch up in the end though? MP: On run three, Mardenborough gets a better start and even the Juke’s superior traction can’t overcome the GT-R Nismo. By the end it pulls out a narrow victory, showing that even a lightly modified GT-R can’t beat a GT-R. MP: So there we go. Two-one to the GT-R Nismo in the end. But I will tell you what I think is interesting. I think the engine response on the Juke-R is sharper because he gets away even, when Jann gets a bit of a jump on me. He didn’t jump the start but he got a jump on me on the final run. That comes back at low speed, very quickly. Only above fourth gear when the better aerodynamics of that, CD 0.37 and that’s 0.44, that that really pulls away. It’s close but GT-R wins again.

Top 10 Propaganda Posters

These are the pictures that slipped into our stream of sub-consciousness, and stayed there! Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Propaganda Posters! For this list, we’ve looked at propaganda posters from any country, group, historical event or political persuasion and have selected posters based on their impact and historical context.
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Fried Chicken & Pandan Pancakes Recipe | Big Night In

Crispy fried Asian style chicken thighs served with some whacky but delicious coconut and pandan pancakes…. all topped off with a honey and tamarind glaze. These are very different, that’s for sure… but oh so good!

Get the full recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/pandanpancakes

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Top 10 Movie Street Fights

No rules, no excuses – it’s time to take it to the streets. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Movie Street Fights. For this list, we’re defining street fighting as hand-to-hand combat in public places and are looking at the most memorable big screen battles that fit the criteria.
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Special thanks to our users Lionel Gilmore, mac121mr0, 12314konrad, oksquall and Tytan Tyler for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest

Check out the voting page here,

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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GoPro: USA Water Polo Women’s National Team

Find out what it takes for the former Gold Medal winners to be the best in the world. With hard work and dedication, the USA Women’s Water Polo National Team have their eyes set on Gold in 2016.

Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪http://GoPro.com.

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Music Courtesy of ExtremeMusic

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Beef Recipes – How to Make Garlic Marinated Steaks

Get the recipe for Savory Garlic Marinated Steaks at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/savory-garlic-marinated-steaks/detail.aspx

Watch how to make flavorful, juicy, grilled rib-eye steaks. The secret here is the marinade. The combination of balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, honey, and liquid smoke flavoring makes the steaks truly irresistible. Try this with chicken and pork and watch as the aroma of the grilled meat has everyone running to the dinner table.

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