Where the Wild Things Are – What’s the Difference?

Where the Wild Things Are is one of the most beloved children’s books in American history. Maurice Sendak’s illustrations and story was brought to the silver screen in 2009, under the direction of “ Spike Jonze. So, how did the director of “Adaptation” pull of this adaptation? Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Where the Wild Things Are is a classic children’s book. Classicly short, and with a lot of story left up to the imagination. The live-action big screen version was well over an hour and a half long – quite a bit more time than your average bedtime story. A lot of changes and expansions took place along the way. We’ll look at the book and the film, and let you know: What’s the Difference?

Did you read Where the Wild Things Are when you were a kid? Or have it read to you? What did you think of the movie version? What’s your favorite children’s book, and would you like to see it adapted into a live-action movie?

What other works would you like to see us explore on What’s The Difference?

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Welcome to What’s The Difference, where CineFix takes you step-by-step and page-by-page through all the differences between your favorite movies & shows and their source material. Adaptations are a tricky game, something always gets changed, added, or omitted in the process. Come back every other Wednesday for more What’s the Difference!

Top 10: Exclusive PS2 Games

The PS2 was home to some of the best video games and had many amazing exclusive PS2 games. Which exclusive PS2 Games are your favorite? Let us know down below!

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American Ultra Review – CineFix Now

American Ultra is an action comedy with spies, killers, romance, and marijuana, but is it as fun and exciting as the trailers promise? Dave and Cruz will let you know if it’s worth checking out. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

So will seeing American Ultra give you a high or do you need to smoke a bowl to make it through? Cruz and Dave will let you know their thoughts!

Are you going to see American Ultra this weekend? Have you already seen it? What did you think? What is your favorite movie about sleeper agents? What do you think of the spy comedy genre? What movie has the best random household objects used as weapons scene?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Tune in daily to CineFix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!

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Los Angeles, CA 90035

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Top 10 Mech Based Video Games

Sometimes, regular old firepower just isn’t enough, and you have to dip into that high-powered futuristic technology to get the job done. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Mech Based Video Games. Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo or visit our channel page here: http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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Behind the Scenes – Ask Me #027

Time to go behind the scenes.
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مقاطع من قناة الفلوقات
فلوق #7 كيف البنت تشيل حديد ؟ | https://youtu.be/GL1hi0nJ_pA
فلوق #6 و قلينا سمبوسة امي الخطيرة | https://youtu.be/_KSACT_MOmQ
فلوق #5 الجوع كافر مع نومه مخيسه | https://youtu.be/xF_hA1KXerc
فلوق #4 نجود بتفطرنا على حسابها | https://youtu.be/kfJLDefhuPk
فلوق #3 كنا بنموت اليوم اركض يبوي ((= | https://youtu.be/mfAR9RnZNvE
فلوق #2 نجود قلبت كريستيانو رونالدو ((= | https://youtu.be/9pIk1PLzPOU
فلوق #1 الجو مطر اليم ولوفان صدم السيارة ! | https://goo.gl/0sVsaA

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