Speedpaint (Paint Tool SAI) (О,..,О)

✪ Music Track:
Ahrix – Evolving
Ahrix – Forgiven
Ahrix – Serenity
Ahrix – The Dreamer
✪ Programs:
Paint Tool SAI,
Wacom Bamboo pen CTL-470
Camtasia Studio 8 C:

Thank You Very Much for watching!

➤ FOR COMMISSIONS: shidzumiko@gmail.com
(или напишите мне в лс вконтакте https://vk.com/mireis)





Salebox – Summer Sale – June 19th, 2015

TotalBiscuit rounds up the deals on Steam and gives recommendations.

00:20 Dragonball XV
01:34 Resident Evil Franchise (4)
02:59 Age of Empires II HD
04:21 TheHunter: Primal
05:02 Tropico Franchise (5)
06:43 Kerbal Space Program
07:36 Fallout Franchise (New Vegas)
09:00 Europa Universalis Franchise (IV)
09:50 Killing Floor 2
10:47 Stranded Deep
11:49 Saints Row Franchise (4)
13:24 The Stanley Parable
13:58 Assassin’s Creed Franchise (IV)
15:25 Mortal Kombat X
16:41 Goat Simulator

Nerd³’s Hell… The Simpsons: Tapped Out

“EA generated over $130 million in revenue since the game’s release”


Game Link: No. Fuck off.

End theme by the incredible Dan Bull:

All other music is in game music. It makes me want to wonder whose standards of entertainment are THIS low?

Nerd³ Site!

Dad³ Channel!

Second Channel!

Twitch Channel!

Nerd³ Twitter!


US: http://districtlines.com/nerdcubed
UK: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/nerdcubed

2 Million Subscriber Giveaway! (iPhone 6, Galaxy S6, PS4, Xbox One)

Sign up with Opinion Outpost here: http://goo.gl/SzTDGH



1. Comment Once (THATS ALL :D) But you can sub too! Lol.

(Winners will be announced on my social networks July 18th, 2015 via Sandra Cires Youtube Random Comment Picker).

This video was sponsored by Opinion Outpost.

Top 10 Telltale’s The Walking Dead Characters

When the lines between living and dead are blurred, every survivor counts. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 Telltale Walking Dead Characters. Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo or visit our channel page here: http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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#العاب_رمضانية – لعبة اونو مع اريل

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تقدر تفوز اذا شاركت في الهاشتاق #العاب_رمضانية وتحصل جوائز في اللعبة
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الله يسعدكم جميعاً
#قلب ♥

Sonic the Hedgehog in Real Life

We wanted to see if all hedgehogs were as speedy as Sonic so we created an extremely high-budget replica of the classic SEGA game.

Thanks to the San Diego Zoo for introducing us to Elvis the hedgehog. You can help the zoo’s leading efforts to end extinction here: http://www.endextinction.org/

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Ninja Turtle – Speed Painting (#Corel Painter) | CreativeStation

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