Minecraft: MOVIE THEATER REALITY MISSION – Custom Mod Challenge [S8E35]

It is time to head to the movies!
JEN’S CHANNEL – http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen
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Some of the main Minecraft Mods:
OreSpawn Mod
Better Dungeons Mod
Dimensional Doors Mod
Eternal Frost Mod
Lion King Mod
Lucky Block Mod
Morph Mod
Superheroes Unlimited Mod
Hardcore Ender Expansion Mod
Custom NPCs Mod
Mutant Creatures Mod
Weather Mod

FULL MOD LIST for Custom Mod Challenge Pack: http://popularmmos.com/custommodchallenge/

In Season 8 of Minecraft Epic Proportions Jen and I will be surviving in an insane world that is completely custom! There will be special missions and quests that will add crazy content and fun into the series. Expect to see lots of really cool mods showcased in the let’s play of this series!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

Fallout: The Wasteland Survivor Guide: The Wasteland | Fallout Lore

With rumors of a Fallout 4 cinematic trailer potentially being revealed at E3 this year, TGN partner CaptainShack presents the Wasteland Surivors Guide to Fallout! Are you hyped for Fallout 4? Let us know down below and what you would like to learn about next from the professor of gaming!

Top 10: Interesting Facts About Fallout ➜

CaptainShack’s Channel ➜ https://youtube.com/TheXPGamers

Animation: Marisa Brignole



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Lorraine Bowen's singing is out of this world! | Semi-Final 1 | Britain's Got Talent 2015

See more from Britain’s Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent

Lorraine’s crumble song divided the Judges, but that didn’t stop David pressing his golden buzzer.

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If only Becky O'Brien could make it through to the final | Semi-Final 1 | Britain's Got Talent 2015

See more from Britain’s Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent

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Top 10 Scariest Supernatural Movie Moments

This video is sponsored by Insidious 3, check it out in theaters now!
You might want to watch these scenes with a cross and holy water on hand. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Scariest Supernatural Movie Moments. Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo or visit our channel page here: http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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