Michael Bay Drinking Game – Extended Cut with EXTRA EXPLOSIONS!

We’re back with a special edition Movie Buzz to celebrate CineFix hitting 900,000 Subscribers. We THANK YOU!!! (Even if Ti’s liver doesn’t). Because it’s a special episode, we’re playing a special game: the Michael Bay grab bag! Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

We created a special set of movie drinking game rules that will work for literally ANY Michael Bay movie ever. We’ll throw all the Michael Bay movies we could get our hands on into a garbage bag (which is where they belong) and pick one to get drunk to!

Out came Pain & Gain – and we’re watching the full movie here!

Options include: Armageddon, Transformers 2, The Island, Pain and Gain, Bad Boys 2, Pearl Harbor, and The Rock.

Our special Guest, Mike Falzone will pick the movie of the day. You can see him do much more than this over at his channel: https://www.youtube.com/mikefalzone

Pain & Gain: A trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong.

Are you going to play our Michael Bay drinking game on some other Michael Bay Movie? Tell us how it turns out! What’s your favorite part of the Michael Bay oevre? Which movie do you think most deserves to stay in that trash bag (hint: Transformers 2).

What movie should we drink to next?

Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies….’nuff said!

Fake vs Real Samsung Galaxy S6!

This video will show you how to spot the differences between a fake (clone) Samsung Galaxy S6 and an authentic one.



VOTE by up voting one of the comments below! Voting ends Tuesday, April 14th, at 12pm Pacific Time! Rorschach and Sherlock Holmes have both unraveled some truly dastardly plans, but which is the greatest movie detective of ALL TIME?! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Dave will be making the case for Rorschach. Cruz is defending the reputation of Sherlock Holmes, a character practically synonymous with sleuthing. And we’re asking you to decide between these two all-star detectives!!

Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Rorschach and Sherlock win below. LIKE the comment representing the detective you think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of DETECTIVE WARS!

Who do you think won the debate? Did Cruz or Dave frustrate you by leaving out a critical point? Which of them make the more salient points? Which of these two sleuths would you like to see crowned the CHAMPION of DETECTIVE WARS?

Let us know in the comments below!

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