VOTING CLOSED! McCLANE WINS! John McClane is a very hard man to kill. And Veronica Mars, well, she’s just a marshmallow! But these traits aside, which is the better detective? We’ll decide in this special flu-season edition of Detective Wars! Subscribe:

Christina will be defending Veronica Mars (though she can probably defend herself). Clint will be on the side of John McClane, of the Die Hard series – which, let’s face it – is a good side to be on.

Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Veronica and McClane win below. LIKE the comment representing the detective you think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of DETECTIVE WARS!

Who do you think won the debate? Did Christina or Clint overlook some really important points you would have made? Which character do you think has the better detective skills? Which detective do you think should emerge victorious in this round of Movie Wars?

Let us know in the comments below!

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VOTING CLOSED! RORSCHACH WINS! Marge Gunderson is a small-town police chief with big-time skills. Rorschach is a larger-than-life masked hero who never lets go of a case. But which is the better detective? Subscribe:

Lacey will be making the case for Rorschach from the Watchmen film, the detective he received in the WILD CARD slot. Mark will defend Marge Gunderson – from Fargo, doncha know?

Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Marge and Rorschach win below. LIKE the comment representing the detective you think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of DETECTIVE WARS!

Who do you think won the debate? Did Dave or Mark overlook some really important points you would have made? Which character do you think has the better detective skills? Which detective do you think should emerge victorious in this round of Movie Wars?

Let us know in the comments below!

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