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#بوووز | زوجة النادي

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Better Franchise: Mission Impossible or Fast & Furious? – MOVIE FIGHTS!

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Pick your FIGHT below! ▼▼

Nick Mundy (Conan & Screen Junkies), Alicia Malone (AMC Rewind), and Roger Barr (iMockery) debate with host Andy Signore (Creator of Honest Trailers) over the following Movie Fights for the week of 3/27:

0:03:26 FIGHT 1: Will Jesse Eisenberg be a good Lex Luthor?
0:15:02 FIGHT 2: Tom Cruise: Great actor or popular movie star?
0:22:20 FIGHT 3: Mission Impossible vs Fast & Furious
0:34:51 FIGHT 4: Which cast should reunite for a sequel?
0:46:30 FIGHT 5: Could Arnold Schwarzenegger be a dramatic actor?
0:53:09 FIGHT 6: Best American remake of a foreign film?
1:00:12 FIGHT 7: Best movie cameo?
1:08:02 FIGHT 8: Speed Round

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Support our Panel:
Andy Signore – http://twitter.com/andysignore
Alicia Malone – http://twitter.com/AliciaMalone
Nick Mundy – http://twitter.com/dickfundy
Roger Barr – http://twitter.com/imockery
Dan Murrell – http://twitter.com/MurrellDan

Andy Signore, Dan Murrell & Jason Inman

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Top 10 Horror Movies: 2010s

Only a few years in, and this decade is already shaping up to be a classic. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 horror movies from the first half of the 2010s. WARNING: Contains mature content. Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo or visit our channel page here: http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Special thanks to our users msche80397, Norris Vaughn, John Nolan, PacMan MK, Quickchance988, hyprmania52, KaibaSorcerer, Jack Redshaw, christian cardoza, royalmonkey, kinrabagre17, Rob Welch, Rene Cornejo, This Chick, LukeyDriscoll and HoltLegoMC for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest

Check out the voting page here,

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Game of Thrones Season 5 Shireen Baratheon Interview – Kerry Ingram

Game of Thrones Season 5 Shireen Baratheon interview with Kerry Ingram. Watch Game of Thrones Season 5 Interviews, Episode Reviews & Videos ► http://bit.ly/GameOfThronesSeason5Videos Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe

Connect with interviewer Jan Gilbert!
Twitter ► http://twitter.com/Jan_Gilbert
Website ► http://JanGilbert.co.uk

Game of Thrones Interviews, Reviews & Videos ► http://bit.ly/GameOfThronesVideos
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Camera & Editor: Ed Yoxall

Featured on http://flicksandthecity.com/game-of-thrones-shireen-baratheon-interview-kerry-ingram/

Cuba Gooding Jr.’s Bum? – on The Graham Norton Show

Cuba Gooding Jr. tried to distract the paparazzi in the best way he knew how.

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