The first stand-alone movie in the Star Wars universe got a title this morning: Rogue One. The film is to be directed by Godzilla’s Gareth Edwards, and its the first of three non-sequential Star Wars movies. Subscribe:
The news was revealed on the Disney Shareholder call (just as the DC movies’ upcoming slate was earlier this year). Said title, Rogue One, makes us question some previously held notions that Felicity Jones will star as a Boba Fette style bounty hunter, but instead, might be about the Wedge Antilles’s Rogue squadron. Or perhaps something else entirely, because Disney isn’t shy about messing about with continuity…!
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What did you take away from the title announcement? Do you have new angles on your speculation regarding what kind of character Felicity Jones will play? Are you excited about these stand-alone movies, or are you more dubious? SPECULATE WILDLY!!!
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