HolaGoogle: Soy Kary on Google+ Photos

Kary Pérez chose travel over the traditional quinceañera. From monuments in Istanbul to cafes in Madrid, Kary’s story continues as she explores the world around her. Learn how she uses Google+ Photos.

Kary’s story is featured on Holagoogle.soy, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit holagoogle.soy to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.

Top 10 Celebrities That Allegedly Killed Someone

These are the famous celebrities that made headlines as writers, actors, musicians, politicians…oh, and murderers. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Celebrities that Allegedly Killed Someone. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Special thanks to our user Marko Tarandek for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest

Check out the voting page here,

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Nerd³ FW – Freedom Planet

Sonic Sisters.

Game Link: http://freedomplanet.galaxytrail.com/
GoG Link: http://www.gog.com/game/freedom_planet
Steam Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/248310/

End theme by the incredible Dan Bull:

All other music is in game music. It makes me want to go 768 mph.

Nerd³ Site!

Dad³ Channel!

Second Channel!

Twitch Channel!

Nerd³ Twitter!


US: http://districtlines.com/nerdcubed
UK: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/nerdcubed

Final Fantasy Kitchen Knives – SUPER-FAN BUILDS

Which build will be next? ►► Subscribe! http://bit.ly/AWEsub

Every other week, some of Hollywood’s top prop makers build one-of-a-kind items for super-fans of comic books, video games, movies, and pop culture. This week, we’re turning the swords from Final Fantasy (Sephiroth’s Masamune, Cloud’s Buster Sword, Squall’s Gunblade, and Auron’s Katana) into a kitchen knife set with an Ultros knife block!

Tell us what you want to see next! Email superfanbuilds@break.com with your suggestion.

More AWEme on Facebook: http://facebook.com/awemechannel
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/awemechannel

Tim Baker – Designer/Master Builder
Stacy Henning — Shop Foreman
Shawny Martin — Sculptor/Jeweler
Erica Honles-Martin — Sculptor/Fabricator

Host — Alison Haislip
Builds designed by Tim Baker Creations

Filmed on Location at Goodnight & Co. Set Builders

Series Created & Directed by Andy Signore

Series Developed and Produced by James E. Wade

Series Produced & Episode Builds Directed by Brent Lydic

Line Producer – Phil Rogers
Production Manager – Benjamin Montague
Office Production Coordinator – Brendan Kennedy
Post Production Coordinator – Amanda Arellano

Director of Photography – Corey Jennings

1st AC/DIT — Patrick Flaherty/Jared Bargiel
B Cam Op — Patrick Flaherty
Sound — William White
PA/Runner —Matt Militano/Steven Smyka

Edited by Nils Arrington/Jordan Harris
Lead Assistant Editor – Gracie Hartmann

Post Production Supervisor – Michael Gallagher

Top 10 Classic Horror Movie Icons

Grab onto your armrests and prepare for a screamingly good time. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Classic Horror Movie Icons. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Special thanks to our users jwiking62, Ardin Jovie Bautista, SirMedievalOffline, Mattyhull1, Lyguy Groniger and luis paixao for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest

Check out the voting page here,

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 2-3 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

QC#62 – Glass Smashers

Paper blow-darts are fitted with a 1/2″ sheet metal screw, making them powerful enough to break glass.

See the full project video: http://bit.ly/LaserBlowgun

Next Video: Mini Arc Furnace: http://bit.ly/QCMiniArcFurnace
Previous Video: Laser Guided Blow Gun: http://bit.ly/QCBlowGun

Subscribe for new videos every 5 days! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

I saw a picture of a 40 Cal stun dart (http://bit.ly/IBStunDart) and wondered if I could replicate the idea with a short screw in the tip of a paper dart.

WARNING: Blow guns should not be pointed at people, animals, or any living thing. Projectiles shot at high velocity may cause deep wounds leading to infection, and/or may cause loss of vision if hit in the eye. They can also break glass and cause damage to property. This project should only be attempted with adequate knowledge, training, and adult supervision. Use caution and common sense. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

So yeah, I broke a window to make you this video, so please thumbs up if you liked that 🙂 It was an old window headed for the dump anyway, so I thought this would be a fun way to give it an honorable farewell 🙂

When I was making darts for the blowgun, I looked around online at different types of darts sold commercially, and I came across the “stun dart” variety.

They looked fairly simply enough, and I wondered if I could make one simply by screwing a short sheet metal screw into the tip of a paper dart filled with hot glue.

I first snipped the tip of the dart, then screwed a 1/2″ screw from my spare parts box until it was firm and snug in the tip.

It shoots perfectly straight, which works well with the laser sight I put on the blowgun in my project video (http://bit.ly/LaserBlowgun).

Just for fun, I stopped by the dollar store and picked up a variety of glasses to use for targets, then I filled them up with water to make them even stronger.

It took some force for the thickest glass, but all of them shattered in an impressive manner.

I was surprised that when I shot at the window, it didn’t shatter, but just left “bullet hole” type impressions wherever the darts hit. It took a number of rounds to finally get all the glass to shatter out, and another 30 minutes to clean up the mess!

I wasn’t able to put this footage in the blowgun project video, but I really wanted to share it, hence this new Quick Clip! 🙂 Enjoy!