What Do You Want For Christmas? | Santa’s On His Way

Talk about toys and Christmas wishes with “What Do You Want For Christmas?” and “Santa’s On His Way.”

What Do You Want For Christmas?
Get the video: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsChristm…
Get the song:
iTunes: http://bit.ly/WhatDoYouWantForChristm…
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs1_Amazon

Santa’s On His Way
Get the video: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsChristm…
Get the song:
iTunes: http://bit.ly/SantasOnHisWay_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsChristm…

Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2009, 2011 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2014 Super Simple Learning®

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Lyrics – What Do You Want For Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a train.
I want a train.
I want a great big train.
A train?
A train!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a rocket.
I want a rocket.
I want a great big rocket.
A rocket?
A rocket!
Prepare for lift-off…5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a robot.
I want a robot.
I want a great big robot.
A robot?
A robot!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a teddy bear.
I want a great big teddy bear.
A teddy bear?
A teddy bear!
Right leg. Left leg. Right arm. Left arm.
Oh no!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
Santa’s on his way!

Lyrics – Santa’s On His Way
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa’s on his way.
I want a ball.
I want a ball.
I want a ball to bounce.
Bounce? Bounce!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a yo-yo.
I want a yo-yo.
I want a yo-yo to spin.
Spin? Spin!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a bike.
I want a bike.
I want a bike to ride.
Ride? Ride!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
I want a jump rope.
I want a jump rope.
I want a jump rope to jump.
Jump? Jump!

What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas? Santa’s on his way.
Santa’s on his way!

Song: What Do You Want For Christmas?
CD: Super Simple Songs 1
Music: Super Simple Learning
Animation: Cartoon Conrad
Vocals: Matt Stamm and Leah Hays

Song: Santa’s On His Way
CD: Super Simple Songs – Christmas
Music: Super Simple Learning
Animation: Cartoon Conrad
Vocals: Shelly and Josh Lomonaco

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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

“What Do You Want For Christmas?” and “Santa’s On His Way” by Super Simple Learning

How to Make Cheese Herb Bread | Bread Recipes | Allrecipes.com

Check out the delicious recipe for Cheese Herb Bread at: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cheese-Herb-Bread/Detail.aspx

In this video we’ll show you how to make a delicious loaf of bread in your bread machine. Fragrant Italian herbs and Parmesan cheese are the stars, but sandwiching two slices of this bread with melted cheese will certainly make you say ‘yum yum’!

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How to Make Homemade Marshmallows | Dessert Recipes | Allrecipes.com

Check out the 5-star recipe for Emily’s Famous Marshmallows at http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Emilys-Famous-Marshmallows/Detail.aspx

In this video, you’ll see how to make easy homemade marshmallows. It’s a dream come true for hot chocolate! Spread the sweet mixture into a pan to cool, then cut into pieces. It’s so easy! You can also pipe it to make fun critters for Easter and other holidays. So much better than store-bought marshmallows.

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واحد يلعب و الثاني يهكر – Black Hat Oculus

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جرائم بشعة أرتكبها أطفال بسبب ألعاب الفيديو

الأمــر لم يعــد مقصــوراً على جــريمة أو جريمتين استثنائيتيـن ، سبَّبتها ألعــاب الفيديو العنيفة التى أصبحت منتشــرة فى العالم كله بمختـلف اللغـــات ، ولم يعــد يخــلُ بيــت به جهــاز حاســوب منها ..

الأمــر وصــل إلى ( سلســة جرائم ) حقيقيـــة عديدة ، تم إرتكـابها وتسجيــل أسبابها .. التى تشيــر جميعها بإصبــع الإتهــام إلى ألعــاب الفيــديــو ..

نستعــرض هنا معكم خمس جــرائم قتــل حقيقيــة ، سبَّبتها ألعاب فيــديو غالبــا فى جهــازك الذي تقــرأ منه هذه السطــور ، أو فى الحاسب الشخصي لإبنــك الصغيــر أو أخيــك المُــراهق ..

أتوقع منك أن تعيــد النظــر حول هذه الألعاب وتقــوم بحذفها فى أقــرب فرصة من أجهــزة أبناءك أو اخوتك الصغــار أو المراهقيــن ..

قبـل أن تتحــول أنت شخصيــاً ، أو أي فــرد آخــر فى الأسـرة إلى جثة هامــدة ، بسبب لعبـــة حمقــاء على جهــاز الكمبيـوتر !
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