Fir4sGamer Plays SurvivalGames #87 – دعسس -‎ لعبة البقاء

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Moto 360 by Motorola Smartwatch – My First Android Wear Experience

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The hype around the Moto 360 was pretty darn huge, but the reception at launch was… well, let’s be nice and say mixed at best. I finally got a chance to check it out…

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Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat – Check out his channel here:

Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High

► WTF Is… – Game of Thrones – A Telltale Games Series ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at Telltale Games’ newest production set in the world of HBO’s Game of Thrones.

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Electronics Projects, with LittleBits

3 “LittleBits” projects, I came up with, to solve everyday challenges, and learn more about electronics in the process.

They’re pricy, so use promo code: THEKINGOFRANDOM to get $20 off*:
*($20 off a purchase of $80 or more)

The drawing is now closed. Congratulations to Luke Hart from Western Australia, who was the randomly chosen winner of the LittleBits Smart Home Kit!

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Endcard Links:

Lethal Electric Arcs:
Paper Plate Speaker:
Emergency Electricity:
Electric Card Trick:

Music By:
Scott & Brendo (“One Afternoon” – Instrumental)

Project Inspired By:

These electronic projects are original ideas (original to me anyway), based on the challenges of having our kids watching tv after we’ve gone to bed, cold winter temperatures approaching, and wanting to be notified if someone is tampering with our safe.


I can’t really think of anything dangerous about this project, so I’ll just say use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

I was approached by a company called LittleBits and asked what I could do with their product, and these are some of the things I came up with.

After playing with the circuits though, I realize there really is no limit to what you could make. Think of them as the “LEGOs”® of the electronics world, and you’ll get an idea of why there’s so much you can do with them.

My kids are all 5 and under, but even they can put together simple circuits, press buttons and move motors.

I built other circuits for solar tracking, and some that used servos and small motors as well, but I didn’t get to show them off in the video.

Admittedly I didn’t know what LittleBits were before I made this video, but now that I’ve played with them, I can recommend them as a great tool for learning and exploring electronics on a beginner level. And a quick and easy way to prototype simple circuits without having to strip or solder wires.

This video was, in fact, sponsored by LittleBits, and if you’re thinking about getting a kit, use the promo code THEKINGOFRANDOM to get $20 off, and free shipping in the USA. Hopefully that helps chip the price down to where it’s more affordable 🙂

2014 Nissan Leaf – Redline: Review

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Nissan showed the world an all-electric plug-in vehicle could be affordable, when they introduced the Leaf hatchback back in 2011. After 4 years on the market and new competition from BMW, Volkswagen, Chevy, and Ford, does the best-selling EV have what it takes to hold onto its sales crown?

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Die Hard!

The Holiday Season has rolled around again, so it’s time for us all to re-watch our favorite Christmas movie: Die Hard. And what re-watching would be complete without some bonus trivia?? Subscribe:

Armed with these facts, you’ll be ready to take on a skyscraper full or terrorists, with or without shoes. Don’t forget to pay attention, or Alan Rickman will crash your office Christmas party (Actually, that sounds awesome. Never mind).

What did you think of these bits of Die Hard trivia? Did you know some of those facts already? Are you a super fan of the movies? Which one is your favorite? Would you like to see more Things You Didn’t know about Die Hard?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Movies are a very complicated mess of time, money, people, and strange decisions. Inevitably, in the hodgepodge of life that goes into creating a movie, a few strange and interesting things happen here and there that are rather fascinating little tidbits of information. Every Monday starting in 2014, tune in to Cinefix for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn’t know!

Another Top 10 Trailers Better Than the Movie

Don’t you hate it when the appetizer is better than the main course? Well, when it comes to these movie trailers, that was exactly the case. Join as we count down our picks for another top 10 trailers better than the movies. Check us out at, and Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at 🙂

Special thanks to our users Georgiano, Andrew Nigo and John Mikkiah Thompson for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at

Check out the voting page here,

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