New 1000bhp+ LaFerrari FXX K revealed

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We take a closer look at Ferrari’s new LaFerrari-based FXX K, which gets over 1000bhp from its hybrid powertrain and will be seen on track from next year. To read the full story, click here:

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نقدر نوصل 15 الف لايك ؟ ♥♥
انا اسف لاني تاخرت عليكم في تنزيل المقاطع لان انشلغت مع اهلي شوي اسف ^^

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Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer Homemade with TJ Smith – Behind the Scenes

It’s the SEASON FINALE! Ultron may have no strings, but in our homemade version of the Age of Ultron trailer, we admit there are a few supports still visible in our HOMEMADE version of The Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer. Check out how we made it here!! Subscribe:

Watch the final Homemade version

Watch the Side By Side Comparison with the Original:

Are you psyched to see Avengers: Age of Ultron? Us too! Which is why we were inspired to make this for our season finale of Homemade movies.

CineFix presents: Homemade Movies!
Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies, trailers and original songs. Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It’s sweded movie magic ! Let us know in the comments what movie you want to see homemade next!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer with TJ Smith – Homemade COMPARISON

Check out the HOMEMADE version of the Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer with no fancy CGI to paint out wires… Ultron may have no strings, but in our homemade version of the Age of Ultron trailer, we admit there are a few visible strings left. Subscribe –

Watch the final Homemade version

Watch the behind-the-scenes:

Are you psyched to see Avengers: Age of Ultron? Us too! Which is why we were inspired to make this for our season finale of Homemade movies.

CineFix presents: Homemade Movies!
Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies, trailers and original songs. Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It’s sweded movie magic ! Let us know in the comments what movie you want to see homemade next!

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Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer – Homemade with TJ Smith

Check out the HOMEMADE version of the Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer with no fancy CGI to paint out wires… It’s the SEASON FINALE! Ultron may have no strings, but in our homemade version of the Age of Ultron trailer, we admit there are a few supports still visible. Subscribe:

Watch the side-by-side comparison with the original:

Watch the Behind-the-Scenes:

Are you psyched to see Avengers: Age of Ultron? Us too! Which is why we were inspired to make this for our season finale of Homemade movies.

CineFix presents: Homemade Movies!
Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies, trailers and original songs. Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It’s sweded movie magic ! Let us know in the comments what movie you want to see homemade next!

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تعرف على حقيقة السيدة الموجودة فى بداية الأفلام الأجنبية

لا عجب أن الكثيرين من حول العالم شاهدوا هذه السيدة وهذا الشعار الذي يظهر في بداية كل الأفلام التي تنتجها شركة كولومبيا للأفلام وخاصة إذا ما علمنا أن هذه الشركة تقوم بإنتاج الأفلام السينمائية منذ ما يقارب المائة عام الآن منذ أن بدأت عملها عام 1919. أصل كلمة كولومبيا يعود لعام 1738 حين أستخدمت كلمة كولومبيا ككناية وإسم مستعار للإشارة للولايات المتحدة في أحد المطبوعات التابعة للبرلمان البريطاني حيث كان ممنوعا طباعة وتداول أي من نقاشات البرلمان وكانت تستخدم الأسماء المستعارة لهذا الغرض. مع السنوات أستخدمت شركة كولومبيا عدد من الشعارات.
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