أبشع 10 أحداث دموية في تاريخ البشرية

على مدار التاريخ كان هناك العديد من الاحداث العالمية التي شهدت احداث مميتة خلفت الآلاف – وربما الملايين – من القتلى والمصابين .
سنعرض لكم اشهر 10 أحداث نتج عنها أعداد هائلة من القتلى ، في حين ان بعض الاحداث امتدت لسنوات ، والجدير بالذكر ان هذه الأحداث كلها من صنع البشر، اي ان الكوارث الطبيعية بريئة منها .
تجارة الرقيق عبر المحيط الأطلسي
حرب يان الأخيرة والإنتقال إلى عصر اسرة مينغ
ثورة لوشان
ثورة تايبينغ
المجاعة الصينية العظمى
جرائم الاتحاد السوفيتي
الفتوحات المغولية
الحرب العالمية الاولى
الحرب العالمية الثانية
الاستعمار الأوروبي للأمريكتين
انه حقاً عالم مليء بالشر ، ولكن برأيك أي حدث كان هو الأكثر دموية على الإطلاق تاريخياً ؟ .. وهل تتوقع حدوث حرب قريبة نعاصرها ؟!

فكل هؤلاء عاصروا حروباً وعاشوا فيها ولم يكونوا ليتوقّعــوا حدوث ذلك !
ازاى | Azay قناة تعلمك مهارات واساليب جديدة لكل ما هو شيق ومفيد
أشترك معنا الأن – بالضغط على زر أشتراك ليصلك كل ما هو جديد

Top 10 Addictive Elements of MOBA Games

MOBA right? Curious what all the fuss is about? Allow us to try to break it down. Join http://www.watchmojo.com as we countdown our picks for the Top Addictive elements of MOBA Gaming. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

During our visit to the Smite North American Championships in Atlanta, we asked players and staff member what they found to be most addictive elements of MOBA’s, not just in Smite but in other major MOBA games as well.

This video was brought to you by SMITE, the online Battleground of the Gods. Play free at www.smitegame.com and seize victory in intense battles of godlike action, each fueled by over 10,000 years of mythology.

The SMITE World Championship will be taking place in Atlanta Georgia on January 9th-11th. Featuring a prize pool of over $2.1 million dollars and the best SMITE teams from around the world, this tournament will be one of the biggest gaming events in eSports history.

Free Stream on Jan 9-11: www.twitch.tv/smitegame
More info: swc.smitegame.com
Purchase tickets: tickets.smitegame.com

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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On to 2015.
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Marry, F#@k, or Kill: Cinematic Party Animals Edition!

Before we go out for New Year’s Eve and channel our inner party animals, we’re sitting down to discuss party animals in cinema. Namely, which ones we would Marry, F#@k, or Kill. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Our panel considers the pros and cons of four iconic movie party animals. The contenders are:

Bluto (John Belushi) from Animal House
Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) from Beetlejuice
Kid N Play (Christopher Reid and Robin Harris) from the House Party Series
Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) from Van Wilder

We’re trying out Marry F#@k Kill with cinematic party animals as a New Year’s Eve special, but let us know what you thought of the show, and what you’d like to see us discuss in possible future editions. Also, let us know your own answer to the very important question our panel discussed: Which movie party animal would you want to Marry, F#@k or Kill, and why?!?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Tune in daily to CineFix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!

In Marry F#@k Kill, we put our high-level academic analysis movie knowledge and cultural analysis to bear on a 5th grade-level question: Given the choice, who’d you Marry/F#@k/Kill.

Heroes of the Storm : “Floor Painted Gold” (Gameplay) | TGN Squadron

The TGN Squadron is back with more Heroes of the Storm gameplay. Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo fusion – otherwise known as the “Blizzard Dota” – new to the MOBA genre.

Last Squadron Video ➜ http://goo.gl/Wcjso0

Squadron Content ➜ http://goo.gl/yTvhiz

Heroes Content ➜ http://goo.gl/mljTXf

Hengest: Falstad (https://www.youtube.com/hengestgames)
Rurikhan: Arthas (https://www.youtube.com/rurikhan)
Pallytime: Kerrigan (https://www.youtube.com/mfpallytime)
CaptainShack: Tychus (https://www.youtube.com/TheXPGamers)



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What is a MOBA Game?

MOBA Games are multiplayer online battle arena video games. In spirit, the are all successors to the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) custom game for Warcraft III. Today, League of Legends (LoL) Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Smite, Heroes of Newerth, and a variety of other games exist with active communities today.

They are also known as action real-time strategy games (ARTS) and consist primarily of human-controlled hero or champion units facing off against each other in a 5v5 team. Also included are a plethora of NPC units and various map mechanics to keep gameplay constantly varying.

MOBA games are widely considered the most popular and active eSports engines in modern online multiplayer gaming.


This War Of Mine | Day 34 | Recovering Pavel’s Items

Doing a play through of This War of Mine.
In This War Of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle.

Find out more info here: