Top 10 Alice In Chains Songs

They want you to be what you want to be. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 Alice in Chains songs. Check us out at, and Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at 🙂

Special thanks to our users akt, a7xforeverz1, Jack Morris, Justin Frank, cidgecko, idleman52, Awesome One, John Michael Pimentel, boomer6767, Matt walker, CaptainWheathin, Nick R and Colin Larimer for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at

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تجربة مقارنة باترول ولاندكروزر B.A.S السمنودي – حسن كتبي

مقابلة اسامة سمنودي

ياسادة ياكرام أهديكم تجربة مقارنة بين اثنين عمالقة من الوزن الثقيل مصارعي السومو اليابانين ارجو ان تحوز التجربة على رضاكم و لاتنسونا من دعاؤكم والشكر كل الشكر للأخ اسامة سمنودي على دعمه الكبير واللامتناهي للجمهور الكريم

حسن ناجي كتبي

Nissan Patrol & Toyota Land cruiser review- comparison by Hasan Kutbi

شكر خاص للراعي شركة العمودي القابضة الوكيل الحصري لإطارات تويو ونيكسن

Amoudi Holding Company



T: 920001699

STAR WARS Leaks Reveal Chewbacca’s Big Secret! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

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From a Star Destroyer-sized batch of STAR WARS 7 leaked concept art to Darth Vader’s teaser on Star Wars Rebels and an incredible Humble Bundle deal, join us as we wade through this large helping of Star Wars news on Nerdist News with Jessica Chobot.

Are you digging the gritty Original Trilogy-esque look in the concept art? Tell us in the comments!

Leaked Concept Art:

Humble Bundle:

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The Exciting Possibilities of 3D Printing in Zero-G

+NASA is currently engaged in exploring 3D printing in space using a printer designed by Made In Space.  This printer is designed to work in a microgravity environment to produce space assets in… well… SPACE!

NASA wants to test the idea of making parts inexpensively in orbit as opposed to down here on Earth and launching them to where they need to be.

3D printing serves as a fast and inexpensive way to manufacture parts on-site and on-demand, reducing the need for costly spares on the International Space Station and future spacecraft. Long-term missions would benefit greatly from having onboard manufacturing capabilities. Data and experience gathered in this demonstration will improve future 3-dimensional manufacturing technology and equipment for the space program, allowing a greater degree of autonomy and flexibility for astronauts.

Please join +Tony Darnell Dr +Carol Christian  and +Scott Lewis as they discuss this new experiment from NASA with +Jason Dunn and Michael Snyder from Made in Space, the company contracted by NASA to build the 3D printer currently being used.

For more information on NASA’s 3D Printing in Zero-G Experiment:

Made in Space:

WMFAQ Ep. 12: How to Work for WatchMojo

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Each week, Rebecca will host a WatchMojo staffer, who will discuss his or her area of expertise and give you a better idea of life behind the scenes at WatchMojo.

In this 12th episode of WMFAQ, our CEO and co-founder Ashkan Karbasfrooshan sits down with Rebecca to discuss how she joined the company, and how job hunters can go about landing a job with WatchMojo.

.SOY Anthem

.SOY caters to the growing digital needs of Latinos, the fastest growing demographic in the United States, offering brands, publishers, and consumers a place to create, collaborate, and share. Claim your domain at

HolaGoogle: Soy Xoco on Google Play

Xoco Moraza is blending a musical tradition with the modern beats he loves – and bringing that new sound to the mainstream. Learn how he uses Google Play

Xoco’s story is featured on, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.

HolaGoogle: Soy Ceci on Google Docs

After Hurricane Sandy, Ceci de Corral set out to help the community. She created a nonprofit for children, Arts in Parts, that has become una familia. Learn how she uses Google Docs.

Ceci’s story is featured on, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.

HolaGoogle: Soy Joel on Hangouts

Joel Rojo explores South America while working on his startup back home. Staying connected with work and family, he goes wherever the waves take him. Learn how he uses Hangouts.

Joel’s story is featured on, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.