iPhone 6 & 6 Plus – Do you NEED a CASE?

iPhone 6 – Should you wear a case?

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iPhone 6 EPIC SlowMo – Unboxing & First Look:

OnePlus One FULL Review:

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– Music: Nitro Fun – New Game [Monstercat Release]
Tobu Hope – CopyrightFreeMusic

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Top 10 Madonna Songs

She’s living in a material world. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 Madonna songs.Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Special thanks to our users amexguy13, jackcooper, Joseph John, Paige Downs, DJSTEPHENV, Matt Wilson, Leo Logan, Victor Dominguez, Al Bebak, Jerome Magajes, BRANDON WHITE, Alexander Herrera Lara, lucas2401, Justice Fabulousness Gomez and Matt Wilson for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest

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Top 10 PC Games of the 1990s

The decade that saw the rise of the internet also saw some great games, both online and off. Remember we’re sticking to PC exclusives due to the sheer amount of quality titles. Join http://www.watchmojo.com as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 PC games of the 1990’s Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo

Special Thanks to our users “millad456” and “David NM” for suggesting this topic on our website Watchmojo.com/suggest

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out http://www.WatchMojo.com/store for more info.

WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.
We update DAILY with 2-3 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

QC#34 – Dry Ice-Pop

Dry Ice and juice make a “super cool” popsicle within minutes.

See the full project video: http://bit.ly/DryIceStunts

Next Video: Party Whistle: http://bit.ly/QCPartyWhistle
Previous Video: Grilling Magnesium: http://bit.ly/QCGrillingMagnesium

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

This was an original idea, original to me anyway. Though I’ve never seen it done before, I’m not ignorant enough to believe I’m the first.

WARNING: Dry Ice is extremely cold! (-78C/-109F) and can cause instant frost-bite to exposed skin. Popsicles made using dry ice can be anywhere up to 5 times colder than regular popsicles and will stick to the tongue on first contact unless warmed first in a glass of warm water. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, may result in serious injury. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

With dry ice being so cold, I simply wondered what would happen if we carved a groove in a chunk of dry ice and poured juice into it. Obviously it will freeze, but I wondered how long it would take.

For this experiment the juice took about 13 minutes to freeze completely solid. While that is impressively fast to make a popsicle, I actually thought it would have gone a bit quicker.

I suppose it took a bit longer because the cold wasn’t contained in an insulated container. The block was exposed to room temperature air, and in order to freeze the juice, the dry ice first had to freeze the bottom layer of the juice, then slowly work the cold up from the bottom. A slow process, and as you can imagine, the popsicle ends up being dangerously cold.

I dipped mine in a glass of warm water before trying to eat it so it wouldn’t grab onto my tongue 🙂

I am happy about the shape of the popsicle! It turned out great, and to get exponentially quicker results in the future, I might try placing a block of dry ice over top of the popsicle mould as well, then closing it off in a styrofoam container.

This was a fun experiment and the popsicle was delicious.

Worst Thing I Ever Did – UCB Comedy Presents: Controller Freaks

Subscribe for more Controller Freaks: http://nerdi.st/subscribe
UCB Comedy and Nerdist present Controller Freaks, and examination of video game from comedians, actors and witers. This week the freaks talk about some of the worst things they’ve ever done in video games with “Horrible People Finish First.”

Alex Berg – @actuallyberg
Mel Cowan – @iamnotmelcowan

Series Producer:
Marissa Gallant

Jason Greene

Mano Agapio – @manoagapion
Eva Anderson – @evafay
Todd Berger – @thetoddberger
Chloe Dykstra – @skydart
Emily Gordon – @thegynomite
Rene Gube – @renegube
Whitney Hills – @whitney
Echo Kellum – @echok
Michele Morrow – @michelemorrow
George Ouzounian – @maddoxrules
Sandeep Parikh – @sandeepparikh
Betsy Sodaro – @birdysoderdy
Nick Wiger – @nickwiger

Jesse Benjamin

Michael Hughes

Director of Photography:
Dave Getzschman

Geoff Allison

Carsen LaBella

Production Assistants
Jimmy Ambrose
Lance Seymour
Jordy Altman
Michael Capristo

Executive Producer:
Todd Bieber
Julie Gomez
Brought to you by UCB Comedy.
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ucbcomedy
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ucbcomedy

Follow Nerdist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NerdistDotCom
Check out Nerdist.com: http://www.nerdist.com

WMFAQ: Dan’s New Show – Ep. 9

Join http://www.WatchMojo.com for a NEW weekly show where we answer your programming, business, and channel-related questions.

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Each week, Rebecca will host a WatchMojo staffer, who will discuss his or her area of expertise and give you a better idea of life behind the scenes at WatchMojo.

In this 9th episode of WMFAQ, our CEO and co-founder Ashkan Karbasfrooshan sits down with Rebecca to discuss Dan’s upcoming new show as well as other series that may or may not be in WatchMojo’s future.

عالماشي: مقاتل الظلام! – Shadow Fight 2

لعبة قتالية للجوالات، مع اني ما كنت مقتنع ان الاجهزة المحمولة تنفع لذي النوعية من الالعاب إلا انها غيرت وجهة نظري و لقيت فيها عمق و تحدي و قصة البداية رهيبة! و اذا انت تعرف اي لعبة رهيبة اكتبها في التعليقات! ادعمنا بـ” لايك” يا رهيب انت!
حسابي في تويتر: https://twitter.com/Jemimaru
رابط اللعبة للايفون و الاندرويد: http://shadowfight2.com/
موقعنا : http://saudigamer.com
حسابنا في تويتر: https://twitter.com/saudigamer
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قناتنا للبث المباشر : http://www.twitch.tv/saudigamer