Minecraft Modded Multiplayer #3 – ملتي بلير مودات مع الحلوين

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اليوم جايب لكم سلسلة ( Modded Multiplayer – ملتي بلير مودات )
للي ما يعرفها هذي سلسلة بديتها انا والعيال ياسر و اسامة و نزلنا الحلقة الثانييييييييييه منها

لتحميل المود باك :

قنوات العيال :
ياسرر : http://full.sc/1izYSKz
اسامة : http://full.sc/UEyFp0

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ويعطيك العافية D:

LG G3 Review & Surprise

The G3 from LG is the first phone I’ve used with a 2560×1440 display. That’s a lotta pixels! Not to mention the rest of the top-of-the-range specs!

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Intro Screen Music Credit: Adhesive Wombat – Check out his channel here: http://youtube.com/adhesivewombat

Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Uncharted 4 : Latest News, Gameplay Style Changes, PS4 In-Engine Graphics & Speculation

All the latest news for Naughty Dog’s upcoming Playstation 4 release, “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.”

This title has been announced for a 2015 release exclusively for the PS4 and is now being directed by Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann from The Last of Us development team.

See Our PS4 Content ➜ http://goo.gl/oBrlKY


Title: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Release Date: 2015
Platforms: PS4
Label: Sony Computer Entertainment
Genre: Third-person shooter, action-adventure, platform
Age Rating: RP


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Music licensed to TGN by FiXT – Get the music at http://www.fixtstore.com

Building New Worlds in Protoplanetary Disks

Building New Worlds in Protoplanetary Disks
Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Space Telescope Science Institute

The study of planet formation in circumstellar disks has greatly advanced over the last two decades, especially after the first discoveries of planets around stars other than the Sun. While the existence of exoplanets and protoplanetary disks is by now a solid observational result, understanding the link between them is still a challenge both for theories and for observations. The talk will dive into the mystery of planet formation and address how planets may get their solid and gaseous constituents, as well as how they may be imprinted by the composition of the natal protoplanetary disks giving rise to a variety of different worlds.

Host: Ray Villard

Recorded live on July 1, 2014 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA

For more information: http://hubblesite.org/about_us/public_talks/

Building New Worlds in Protoplanetary Disks

Building New Worlds in Protoplanetary Disks
Dr. Andrea Banzatti, Space Telescope Science Institute

The study of planet formation in circumstellar disks has greatly advanced over the last two decades, especially after the first discoveries of planets around stars other than the Sun. While the existence of exoplanets and protoplanetary disks is by now a solid observational result, understanding the link between them is still a challenge both for theories and for observations. The talk will dive into the mystery of planet formation and address how planets may get their solid and gaseous constituents, as well as how they may be imprinted by the composition of the natal protoplanetary disks giving rise to a variety of different worlds.

Host: Ray Villard

Recorded live on July 1, 2014 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA

For more information: http://hubblesite.org/about_us/public_talks/

Community Gets Six Seasons (Movie TBD)! – CineFix Now

Good news for all the Human Beings out there: Community has been renewed for a sixth season. If “renewed” is the right word. Yahoo Screen has snatched it from the jaws of cancellation. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

So, we’re now one step closer to that #SixSeasonsAndAMovie we were promised.

It’s been a rocky road for Community all along, and it never quite lived up to the numbers network TV needs. There was hope for the show on Hulu, and when that fell through, we thought that was the end. But now it seems Community is coming to Yahoo Screen, which we can honestly say no one saw coming.

Read more about the Yahoo!/Community deal here: http://goo.gl/ghl8OR

Are you excited for the sixth season of Community? Can Yahoo Screen make that movie that Community promised us? Is this the brightest timeline? If you’re not already a Community fan, do you think you’ll check it out on this new platform? What other shows or franchises would you like to see resurrected by online video?

Let us know in the comments below!

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The Beats by Dre Experiment

lynda.com Free Trial: http://lynda.com/austin

Beats Experiment Part Two: https://youtu.be/Y-GATDCHkGk

With Apple buying Beats by Dre who recently released the Beats Solo 2 headphones I sat down with some fellow YouTubers to see if they’re worth it.

macmixing: http://www.youtube.com/macmixing
PhoneBuff: http://www.youtube.com/phonebuff
SavvySexySocial: http://www.youtube.com/savvysexysocial
tldtoday: http://www.youtube.com/tldtoday
Ty’s iHelp: http://www.youtube.com/tysiphonehelp
UnboxTherapy: http://www.youtube.com/unboxtherapy

Click to Subscribe! http://bit.ly/SubAustin

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Title/Artist: Catchy Groove Loop – abir187
Download Link: http://audiojungle.net/item/catchy-groove-loop/2166345?ref=austinevans

The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot – Castle Advice for Viewers Episode 215

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot!
I help viewers by going over their castle and offering my advice on what I like and dislike. If you want me to do your castle contact me at frenzycastleruns@hotmail.com with your in game name.

Want to check the status of your request to do viewer castles? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsmovrTwSMGodGVmNF9TaG1SODVhWkRBdWVodkdTSFE#gid=0

Castles done in this video:


The mighty quest for epic loot is in open beta! Find out more info here: