1992 Acura NSX – Redline: Review

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As the halo vehicle for the Acura/Honda brand, the first generation NSX is already on its way to becoming a future classic. When it was first introduced in 1991, it was simply well ahead of its time and this Japanese super car forced Italian and German super cars to step up their game in terms of quality, usability, and reliability. If you’ve always wanted an Acura NSX, now could be the time to finally get one, that is… if you can even find an owner willing to give it up.

Music by:

♫ Chaotix – State of Elevation


Batman Arkham Knight : History & Lore

Batman: Arkham Knight is the upcoming, final installment to the Arkham series by Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive. Unlike its predecessors, Arkham Knight will only be available on 8th generation platforms PS4, Xbox One, & PC.

Last Arkham Knight Video ➜ http://goo.gl/51pVj6

Arkham Knight Content ➜ http://goo.gl/mIvOFe


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What is Batman: Arkham Knight?

The Arkham series is an action-adventure, free-roam sandbox set of games based on the DC Comics version of the superhero, Batman. In the city of Gotham, Batman is faced by the regular franchise villians Bane, Catwoman, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, The Joker, Poison Ivy, Copperhead, Red Hood, The Riddler, The Scarecrow, and Two-Face.

The game is known for its darker, grittier atmosphere when compared to more light-hearted movies and comics. Arkham Knight is set for release in 2015.


How to Cut a Film – The Secrets of Editing – Film School’d

Intercut! Montage! The illusion of continuity! All hallmarks of the edit – the point in a film’s production where a film comes together and becomes greater than the sum of its shots. SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Kuleshov said that film is born in the edit. And you gotta take him seriously, because he used the magic of editing to convince an audience that a blank-faced man was hungry/sad/lustful.

Later, montage showed audiences how to get in shape and learn to dance in under 2 minutes! (Of screen time). And that’s the magic of film editing – understanding that comes from what isn’t shown.

In less than 7 minutes (and plenty of cuts), we’ll show you just how important editing is to the creation of film: from the first stop trick to today.

What did you think – did you learn something new? Did you get SCHOOL’D? What topic should we cover next? What other movies and filmmaking techniques would you like to be film school’d in?

Let us know in the comments!

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Top 10 Entertainment Predictions That Turned Out to be False

Music, film and stardom are some of the most unpredictable things around. Welcome to http://www.WatchMojo.com and today we will be counting down the top ten most dreadfully wrong predictions made in the world of entertainment. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo

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Who’s the “Netflix of Video Games?” PlayStation Now vs. EA Access! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

We talk the pros and cons of EA ACCESS and PLAYSTATION NOW, Malik weighs in, plus Dan’s Pull List on Nerdist News with Jessica Chobot.

Which service do YOU prefer? Tell us in the comments!

EA Access: http://www.nerdist.com/2014/07/eas-shiny-new-video-game-streaming-service-for-xbox-one/

PlayStation Now: http://www.nerdist.com/2014/05/playstation-now-launching-with-hundreds-of-titles/

Catch THE DAN CAVE! http://www.nerdist.com/vepisode/the-dan-cave-godzilla-pacific-rim-2-and-skull-island-in-a-shared-universe/

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Top 10 Decade Defining Musical Acts: 2000s

This decade saw the fragmentation of pop music, the continuing admiration of rock, especially indie, garage and pop punk, as well as the popularity and interest in dance and electronic music. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 decade defining musical acts of the 2000s. Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo, http://instagram.com/watchmojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo

Special thanks to our users Margaret Rd, billyfresh23, Alex Guzman, Brianna Roman, Venganze Blast, Jack Morris, Mumblr, Jared Carter, Lee Carter, Ralf Caetano, Inês Luís, morms4, SuperMonkeyGyrados and Gabriel Morgado for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest

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FREDDIEW & CM PUNK in Nerdist Laser Tag Highlights! – Nerdist @ SDCC

Don’t miss Chris Hardwick, Matt Mira, Jessica Chobot, Freddie Wong, CM Punk, Randy Pitchford, The Hillywood Show, Jessica Nigri and more battle it out at Petco Park at Nerdist and 2K’s Borderlands Laser Tag during San Diego International Comic-Con.

More on Nerdist Laser Tag brought to you by Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel:

#NerdistSDCC: Visit Nerdist.com for more Comic Con coverage:

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