Divine RPG Episode 1 – دفاين ار بي جي

موقع نمشي : http://goo.gl/VCBM5P

شكرا للمشاهدة 🙂

لتحميل المود باك : http://feed-the-beast.com/

اذا ودك تتابع اللايف ستريم من هنا : http://www.twitch.tv/m7md_xd

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تابعني فالانستقرام : http://instagram.com/mohammed_tarazi

Fir4sGamer Modded SinglePlayer S4 | ماينكرافت: سنقل بلير مودات #17

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The WAN Show: The H8 on Microsoft Episode… Also a Couple Good Things – June 6th, 2014

WAN Show Document: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/162948-june-6th-2014-the-wan-show-document/

Topic Timetable
0:00 WAN Show Start
2:15 Intro
3:10 Sponsors shout out!
8:26 Wireless 802.11ax can hit 10.5 Gb/s qwertywarrior http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/160649-wireless-80211ax-can-hit-105gbps/
14:59 Transformer Book V http://www.engadget.com/2014/06/02/asus-transformer-book-v-phone/ http://gizmodo.com/asus-transformer-book-v-a-5-in-1-android-windows-phon-1584682948/+jcondliffe
20:14 Asus Padfone X
24:33 Strawpoll: Are you interested in a phone/tablet merge http://strawpoll.me/1845976/r
26:08 Twitter Blitz
32:00 Asus PA328Q 4k
0:35:21 IOS 8
http://uk.pcmag.com/news/32839/apple-reveals-ios-8-with-homekit-healthkit http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/ios-8-10-things-we-want-to-see-1166133
0:45:06 Microsoft Cortana
0:51:27 Microsoft does PC gaming again??
0:58:54 Xbox One without Kinect http://www.techspot.com/news/57013-microsoft-confirms-xbox-one-is-more-powerful-without-kinect-hooked-up.html
1:00:05 Dead Rising 3 on PC
1:03:42 Sponsors + E3
1:07:50 Apple + Beats
1:12:41 No microsoft start menu on Windows 8 until 2015 nfsundergroundd http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/160856-no-microsoft-start-menu-for-windows-8-until-2015/
1:13:38 Asus Tundra-white TUF board? Tea1337 https://twitter.com/ASUS_ROG/status/474204630855856128
1:16:22 Official Xbox One Controller on PC Damikiller http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/5/5782548/xbox-one-controller-windows-drivers-download
1:19:30 Shoot around corners with Glass! http://www.engadget.com/2014/06/04/trackingpoint-google-glass-rifle-sight-concept-video/
1:21:10 Dragon V2 steffen_anywhere http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/160652-elon-musk-unveils-the-dragon-v2/
1:22:00 Strawpoll: Elon vs. GabeN?
1:26:30 #LinusMassDrop @Tweet it out.
1:28:38 Outro

Thanks for the help!

Point Break Drinking Game Extended Cut!!

Philliam, Ti, and special guest Ron Babcock enjoy their Johnny Utah cocktails and take in a classic of surfer bro cop cinema in this extended cut!

Want to see more of Philiam and Ti? Subscibe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Want to see more of Ron? Check out his channel:

Point Break Drinking Game! – Movie Buzz

Surfers, undercover law enforcement, Richard Nixon masks and drinks!!! Sounds like a winning combination to us! This is Movie Buzz, and we’re watching Point Break! Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Point Break is an early-90s classic, for sure. Does it hold up? Will thorough intoxication improve our experience?

We’ll find out today, with the help of Ron Babcock, who has his own YouTube Channel. You should subscribe. He’s funny: www.youtube.com/ronbabcock

Our drink today is called the Johnny Utah, custom-created for us by Nikki Sunseri over on Tasted. It’s an original take on the, um, classic(?) “Surfer on Acid.”
Find out all about it over on Tasted:

Point Break: An FBI agent goes undercover to catch a gang of bank robbers who may be surfers.

Like this? Want more? Vaya con Dios over and watch our extend cut: http://youtu.be/acdFZ9ClzEU

Do you think you could keep up with our panel of drinkers in a game of one-on-one (Shots or free throws, we’re down for anything?) Do you have fond (or other) memories of Space Jam from your younger days? What movie should we drink to next? What signature cocktail would you drink with it? Let us know in the comments!

Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies….’nuff said!