All The Small Things – CineFix Now Roundtable

Once again, we brought the whole team together to discuss all the stories this week** Subscribe:

**Okay, so some behind-the-scenes knowledge for all you: We don’t actually record these roundtables on Saturday mornings. Pretty much as we were recording this, several notable stories came to our attention, including the director for Star Wars Episode VIII, Rosario Dawson getting cast in the Netflix Daredevil, and Jon Spaihts writing Doctor Strange for Marvel. We’ll devote some segments to all that stuff next week.

Here are the remaining news stories of the week, that were available at press time:

They found Dracula’s tomb, or something:

Colin Firth is no longer going to voice Paddington Bear:

Jason Mamoa is probably going to play Aquaman, probably:

Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has lots of knives:

There are two, count ’em TWO movies based on POW Bowe Bergdahl’s story being written:

So, what other major news stories did we miss in favors of reverse mermaid jokes and anthropomorphic bear nonsense? Tell us your favorite reverse mermaid stories and anthropomorphic bear origin stories! What inconsequential news did we not cover?

Let us know in the comments below!

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The WAN Show: UBISOFT IS THE NEW EA! – June 20th, 2014

WAN Show Document:


Squarespace Link: – Offer code Linus to save 10%
– Use hashtag #LinusSquarespace to tweet your Squarespace site for a chance to win a year worth of hosting for free!

HighLANder – The world’s highest elevation LAN party – Thanks to ASUS, Intel, and Corsair for making it possible!

Don’t miss next week’s “Ask the Expert” stream about Intel’s new Devil’s Canyon CPUs! Info here:

Table of Contents (thanks piggykid1, AmateurPCGuy, bobhays, RePliCa_, Josh!, MORECATTIPSPLZ, Exia, and random animal)

0:02:57 Intro, Sponsors (Squarespace and HighLANder with ASUS, Intel & Corsair) and Intel Ask The Expert Livestream coming next week
0:05:40 Modders discovered “E3 2012 graphics edition” of Watch_Dogs
0:09:14 TotalBiscuit’s Watch_Dogs rant
0:10:30 Far Cry 4’s High/Ultra setting is the same as on consoles
0:11:40 Ubisoft rumoured to revoke the Watch_Dogs E3 2012 graphics mod in upcoming patch
0:16:45 Ubisoft PR says Watch_Dogs on PC is “not downgraded”
0:19:52 EA plans to change how it makes games
0:22:25 Linus and his ad integrations
0:24:04 Origin Game Time
0:27:35 T-Mobile Test Drive
0:31:18 Nvidia GTX 880, 880Ti to be Cheaper than 780Ti
0:34:07 Highlander Sponsor Spot
0:36:45 Squarespace Sponsor Spot
0:39:13 Intel: Ask the Expert Livestream and 2x Devil’s Canyon CPU giveaway
0:41:57 New forum landing page
0:50:10 Steam Summer Sale with discussion on sale strategies
0:57:05 Cheaper iMac
0:59:18 Real world HDD versus SSD test
1:01:46 Virtual Reality Fan
1:06:52 Straw Poll on LinusTechTips styled fan /w discussion twitter Q&A
1:10:16 Discussion of profits around ‘PewDiePie’ on YouTube and AdSense
1:15:25 Straw Poll result
1:16:08 Outro

Top 10 Dream Theater Songs

For over two decades, this five-man outfit has defined progressive metal. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 Dream Theater songs. Check us out at and

Special thanks to our users narudude111, Alex Garvens, FadeBlackAngel and jenelcarlo for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at

Check out the voting page here,

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QC#41 – Itty-Bitty BBQ

An aluminum drink can is reincarnated as a miniature BBQ, and cooks hot dogs and bratwurst.

Full project tutorial:

Next Video: S’mores Roaster:
Previous Video: Dragon Smoke:

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

A picture I saw from the team at Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It portrayed someone using a drink can as a miniature BBQ. The picture was faked, but I tried it in real life and this is what happened.

WARNING: Cutting aluminum cans will give the metal very sharp edges. Sharp edges cut skin. You may want to use gloves to mitigate any risk. Hot coals also pose a number of risks. Never use around flammable materials or on tabletops sensitive to heat. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

I was amazed at how well this really works! I lit 2 coal briquettes in a separate metal container, and let them burn until the outsides turned white, then I transferred them to the Bitty-Q, but a couple of bratwurst on the grill, and came back 10 minutes later to find them perfectly grilled, and mouthwatering.

► WTF Is… – Enemy Front ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at a recently released WW2 FPS from CI Games.

Get it on Steam:
FoV changing information:

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GoPro: Polar Bears – The Quest for Sea Ice

Take a swim with a polar bear family as they traverse the Arctic Ocean in search of sea ice.

To learn more about the Arctic Exploration Fund visit:

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from ‪


Music Courtesy of ExtremeMusic

Top 10 Spoilers That Ruin the Movie

Don’t say we didn’t warn you… Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 spoilers that ruin the movie. And, it should be painfully obvious, but SPOILER ALERT. Check us out at and

Special thanks to our users neees, David Kotar, Narko Man, Simon Dreesch-Ro, theviper1999uk, Isaac Vargas and Legentism for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at

Check out the voting page here,

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at 🙂

We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out for more info.

MyCraft UltraHardcore Season 7 #4 – الترا هارد كور

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MyCraft UltraHardcore
الترا هارد كور