عالماشي : طرق غبية للموت! – Dumb ways to die

طرق غبية للموت لعبة خفيفة و ظريفة على الايفون و الاندرويد تحاول تفوز في تحديات بسيطو و تجمع اكبر عدد من النقاط بدون ما تموت. لا تنسى تكتب لنا في التعليقات كم نقطة قدرت تجيب! و ايضا اقترحوا لنا لعبة للأسبوع القادم! و طبعا لا تقصرون في الـ”لايكات”
رابط اللعة للاندرويد و الايفون : http://dumbwaystodie.com/
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”
موقعنا : http://saudigamer.com
حسابنا في تويتر: https://twitter.com/saudigamer
حسابنا في انستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudigamer
قناتنا للبث المباشر : http://www.twitch.tv/saudigamer

Zac Efron & She Hulk’s Adorable Interstellar Trip to Star Wars! – CineFix Now Roundtable

We brought the team together to discuss what excited us, what disappointed us, and what made us go “AWWW!” in the movie world this week. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Very first trailer for the highly anticipated Christopher Nolan Sci-Fi flick “Interstellar” dropped. Will the movie have heart? Watch it here: http://goo.gl/IgdC5L

Another trailer for a movie that will DEFINITELY have heart – Disney’s new animated film Big Hero 6:http://goo.gl/NFv87l

Gareth Edwards got tapped to direct an upcoming Star Wars spinoff movie: http://goo.gl/6qpmqP

David S. Goyer got into some hot water regarding his comments about She-Hulk: http://goo.gl/SQxCk7

Which inspired us to talk about how women are drawn and represented in comics. If you’re not familiar already, check out the Hawkeye Initiative: http://thehawkeyeinitiative.com/

Who would YOU cast as the next Han Solo? What trailer captured your heart and imagination? What else go you excited this week? Do you think Dane Cook should write, direct, or star in a Star Wars movie?

Let us know all your thoughts in the comments below!

Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?
Follow us Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/CineFixNetwork

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Tune in daily to Cinefix for up to the minute news about all the awesome movies you love (or love to hate)!

Top 10 The White Stripes Songs

This Detroit duo burst onto the scene with re-imagined blues, interesting garments and plenty of style. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 White Stripes songs. Special thanks to our users rockinrussianboy, Jack Fitzpatrick, slackerman and Billybobjoebobharris for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!

Check out the voting page here,

If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo

We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out http://www.WatchMojo.com/store for more info.

كورة من العالم – الارجنتيني

لأن الأرض بتتكلم كورة وقت كأس العالم , قناة صاحي بالتعاون مع ماكدونالدز , تقدم الحلقة الرابعة من برنامج “كورة من العالم” , سلسلة حلقات تواكب أحداث كأس العالم بالبرازيل 2014 , مستعرضة أبرز المعلومات الكروية بقالب ترفيهي شبابي.
من إخراج سلافة يحيى.

فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:

بلاك بيري صاحي:

أفياء الوزير: https://twitter.com/#!/afiaa429

يزيد زيدان: https://twitter.com/#!/Yz_Zaidan

وحيد صالح : https://twitter.com/#!/wa7eedinho

تويتر ماكدونالدز : https://twitter.com/McDonaldsArabia
فيسبوك ماكدونالدز : https://www.facebook.com/mcdonaldsarabia
ماكدونالدز على اليوتيوب http://www.youtube.com/user/McDonaldsArabia

QC#29 – Micro X-bow “Catching Fire”

A micro-crossbow fires a sparking bolt at a “Hunger Games” symbol (homemade). Catching fire, literally!

See the Full Project Video: http://youtu.be/DvDwlyGthtY

Next Video: Gel Ice: http://bit.ly/QCIcePack
Previous Video: Superhero Shuriken: http://bit.ly/QCBatarang

Subscribe for new videos every 5 days! http://bit.ly/TKoRSubscribe
Join my email list! http://bit.ly/TKOREmailList

“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

For other project videos, check out http://www.thekingofrandom.com

Social Media Links:

Google+: http://bit.ly/plusgrant
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTheKingOfRandom
Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagrant
Twitter: http://bit.ly/tweetgrant
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/pingrant
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/grantstumblr

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

This was inspired by a project by sonicdaddotcom; Sonic Micro Preview sneak peak: http://youtu.be/zB_lFIfPTbw

WARNING: The depictions of launching sparklers in this video are for demonstrational and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to be duplicated. There may be risks associated with these projects that require experience, and/or adult supervision. Use of video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

The guys at www.sonicdad.com approached me about a collaboration and asked me if I could make their micro-crossbow even better.

I took the basic design and added a few features, like a clip for holding the crossbow bolt in place, side quivers for extra ammunition, and some reinforcing strings for added durability.

This crossbow fires matchsticks up to 40 feet away, and can even be fired upside down.

It’s one of my favorite projects to date, and my kids love them as well.

هل قواعد الانجليزي مهمة ؟

هل القواعد في الانجليزي مهمة و كيف تكتسبها بسهولة … متابعة ممتعة يا جماعة

اخر فيديوهات نزلتها


انتشار الشواذ و صعوبة الزواج

كاميرات #ساهر استغلال و تجارة ذكية !

كلمات انجليزية من حولي | المكتب | كيف ما انسى







GoPro: Bass Fishing with Brent Ehrler

Brent Ehrler tells us the story about the one that got away – then hooks the Big One, an 8 pound bass in Lake Perris, California.

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from ‪http://GoPro.com.

The Story Changes “The Charm of Denial”

Top 10 Movie Shower Scenes

Some interesting things can happen in the shower. Welcome to WatchMojo.com, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 shower scenes. Special thanks to our users WatchDogsFan47, nneptune and aldqbigsquare for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!

Check out the voting page here,


If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

Check us out at http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo and http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo

We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out http://www.WatchMojo.com/store for more info.

The WAN Show: Hoverbike Pre-Orders, Non-Smart LG TV… & GUEST JJ – May 23rd, 2014

WAN Show Document: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/156465-may-23th-2014-the-wan-show-document/

Squarespace Link: http://squarespace.com/linus – Offer code Linus to save 10%

Modis Geekstakes Link: http://bit.ly/1mitWD0

ASUS G750JZ Gaming Notebook: https://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/ASUS_ROG_G750JZ/

Topic Timetable (Thanks, Delons)

0:08:30 – World’s First Hoverbike Is Taking Pre-Orders
0:17:41 – Infinadeck Omnidirectional Treadmil
0:24:58 – JJ From Asus
0:31:45 – First Question: Thunderbolt
0:45:45 – Second Question: Better Overclocking
0:48:29 – Third Question: Biggest Differences
0:57:00 – Fourth Question: Right Angle USB 3.0 Connectors
0:59:40 – Fifth Question: Devils Canyon
1:03:00 – 18 Core Unlocked Xeons
1:08:16 – Squarespace Sponsor Spot
1:12:05 – Modis Sponsor Spot
1:14:52 – Asus Sponsor Spot
1:20:35 – ZBOX Sphere
1:22:00 – Ads On Google Devices
1:23:52 – LG’s New Privacy Policy
1:27:00 – Surface 3
1:41:00 – Halo PC/CE Now Available

Extended Timetable

0:00:00 – Technical Difficulties
0:01:30 – Are They Human?
0:02:15 – Sponsor Integration
0:03:10 – Introduction To Topics
0:04:10 – Intro Video
0:04:39 – Squarespace Sponsor Spot
0:05:15 – Modis Sponsor Spot
0:05:50 – Asus Sponsor Spot

0:08:30 – TOPIC: World’s First Hoverbike Is Taking Pre-Orders
– 0:09:52 – Video
– 0:11:00 – Specs
– 0:12:00 – Safety
– 0:16:30 – Skateboard GIF

0:17:41 – TOPIC: Infinadeck Omnidirectional Treadmill
– 0:18:00 – Video
– 0:18:30 – Exercise Equipment

0:20:40 – Hoverbike Price
0:21:10 – SlickLifts
0:22:20 – Possible Comeback Of The Arcade

0:24:58 – GUEST: JJ From Asus

0:27:00 – Why Upgrade?
0:31:45 – First Question: Thunderbolt
0:35:12 – 10Gbps Internet
0:40:20 – Asus Monitors
0:45:45 – Second Question: Better Overclocking
0:48:29 – Third Question: Biggest Differences
0:57:00 – Fourth Question: Right Angle USB 3.0 Connectors
0:59:40 – Fifth Question: Devils Canyon

1:03:00 – TOPIC: 18 Core Unlocked Xeons

1:08:16 – Squarespace Sponsor Spot
– Visit Squarespace.com/linus
– For a free trial and 10% off, use offer code LINUS
– 1:09:00 – The Squarespace Jingle

1:12:05 – Modis Sponsor Spot
– “Like” Modis On Facebook For A Chance To Win!

1:14:52 – Asus Sponsor Spot
– Asus G750JZ

1:18:12 – Go Like Modis!

1:20:35 – TOPIC: ZBOX Sphere

1:22:00 – TOPIC: Ads On Google Devices

1:23:52 – TOPIC: LG’s New Privacy Policy

1:27:00 – TOPIC: Surface 3

1:30:50 – Twitter Blitz

1:33:09 – Strawpoll – http://strawpoll.me/1746932

1:41:00 – TOPIC: Halo PC/CE Now Available

1:43:13 – Small LAN Event?
1:44:15 – Strawpoll Results
1:45:40 – Outro