Logitech G502 Proteus Core – Brand new sensor, Brand new weights PAX East 2014

The Proteus Core is a very interesting new mouse and a big step away from the G500s. Some things that I would like to add that don’t seem to have made it into the final cut for this video is that having the left and right click is on two completely different pieces of plastic and are not connected at all. also that there are mechanical switches under every button not just the L and R buttons.

Also that it has a very nice sleeved cable and that it is able to tune itself to most surfaces that you can put it on so if you were to put it on a nice mouse-pad or even a ripped up pizza box lid at a LAN you will be able to get the best experience possible which I have to say is pretty freakin awesome!

Our PAX East 2014 Intel Sponsor Info + Giveaways!: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/137512-pax-east-big-plans-from-intel-and-linus-media-group/

A special Thank you to Corsair as well!


Join our community forum: http://bit.ly/ZkLvE7

#لقيمات 15 – إنتِ طالق

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شاركونا تقليد مشهد أبو رفسه في برنامج الانستقرام على هاشتاق ( #برنامج_لقيمات ) و مع منشن لقناة سين ( @SceenTv )

لقيمات برنامج ساخر وناقد للمحتوى التلفزيوني من انتاج قناة سين

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انستقرام سين

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Girl Meets World of Cylons, Sequels and Boobies! – CineFix Now Roundtable

We’re back for another Cinefix Now Roundtable! The Cinefix team got together to debate this week’s developments in the world of movies, TV and trailers! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

The team was intrigued by a whole variety of stories this week, including:

Karl Urban wants you to sign a petition so they’ll make a Dredd Sequel: http://goo.gl/VRqViw

Girl Meets World Trailer Released: http://goo.gl/FoHE35

Battlestar Galactica gets another reboot in movie form: http://goo.gl/UlrM7h

And Mullen is annoyed at the number of Red Band trailers out there. Seriously, since when does one booby an explicit trailer make?

What do you think the big news of the week was? Have you signed that Dredd Sequel petition? Are you (or your kids) going to watch Girl meets world? How do you feel about the possibility of a Battlestar Galactica reboot – happiness or nerd rage?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Distance – A survival racing game with parkour cars! Pax East 2014

Distance – a survival racing game with parkour cars and flying… yup you read that correctly!

Our PAX East 2014 Intel Sponsor Info + Giveaways!: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/137512-pax-east-big-plans-from-intel-and-linus-media-group/

A special Thank you to Corsair as well!


Join our community forum: http://bit.ly/ZkLvE7